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何琪潇, 谭少华, 申纪泽, 孙雅文
除了生态和经济效益外,社区公园的社会效益能推动人们迈向更高质量的邻里生活,一直以来都是国外发达国家风景园林与城乡规划领域关注的重要议题。通过解读国外社区公园的发展历程和功能演绎,提出当前社区公园社会效益的研究热点主要聚焦在对邻里福祉的社会影响。利用Web of Science数据库,对21世纪后社区公园与邻里福祉的相关研究成果进行分析归纳。结果显示,其社会影响主要集中在邻里安全的威胁、邻里分异的排斥、睦邻关系的凝聚及邻里健康的促进4个方面。结合近20年国外发达国家社区公园建设的实践经验,总结了以社区公园为载体来增强邻里福祉的空间路径,对中国社区公园充分发挥和提升公园绿地的综合效益给予启示。
关键词:  风景园林  社会健康  社区公园  邻里福祉  社会效益
基金项目:国家重点研发计划(编号 2018YFD1100300);重庆交通大学科研启动经费项目(编号 F1210033)
Research Progress on Social Benefits of Overseas Community Parks from the Perspective of Neighborhood Well-Being
HE Qixiao, TAN Shaohua, SHEN Jize, SUN Yawen
Chongqing University
In addition to ecological and economic benefits, community parks, with their social benefits, can push people towards a higher quality of neighborhood life, and this has always been an important issue in the field of landscape architecture and urban planning in developed countries. By interpreting the development process and functions of overseas community parks, this research points out that the research hotspot of social benefits of community parks mainly focuses on the social impacts on neighborhood well-being. Using the Web of Science database, it summarizes the research results of community parks and neighborhood well-being after the advent of the 21st century. The results show that the impacts mainly focus on four aspects: the threat of neighborhood security, the exclusion of neighborhood differentiation, the cohesion of good-neighborly relations and the promotion of neighborhood health. It proposes the spatial path to enhance neighborhood well-being combining with nearly 20 years of experience in the construction of community parks in developed countries, it gives enlightenment to the construction of Chinese community parks to give full play to and enhance the comprehensive benefits of park green space.
Key words:  landscape architecture  social health  community park  neighborhood well-being  social benefits
HE Qixiao,TAN Shaohua,SHEN Jize,SUN Yawen.Research Progress on Social Benefits of Overseas Community Parks from the Perspective of Neighborhood Well-Being[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2022, 29(1):108-114.