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谢雨婷1, (比利时)克里斯蒂安·诺尔夫2, (比利时)弗洛伦斯·范诺贝克3
关键词:  国土空间规划  水管理  三角洲都市主义  历史演变  长江三角洲
基金项目:浙江省自然科学基金(编号 LQ21E080016);国家自然科学基金外国青年学者研究基金(编号 51550110235);江苏省科技计划项目(编号 BK20151244)
Towards Integrated Water Management and Spatial Planning: Historical Review and Prospects for the Yangtze River Delta
XIE Yuting1, (BEL) Christian Nolf2, (BEL) Florence Vannoorbeeck3
1.Zhejiang University;2.Wageningen University;3.Xi’an JiaotongLiverpool University
The urbanizing Yangtze River Delta is facing multiple water risks. The mass centralized hydraulic infrastructure combined with strict land-use regulation that has been implemented in recent decades to manage the flood risk is, however, challenged today by the need for more adaptive and ecological solutions. This research adapts the theory and method of delta urbanism to trace the long-term historical spatial evolution of the Yangtze River Delta from the perspective of dynamic interactions among the three subsystems: substratum, water management, and urbanization. In the five phases articulated by significant historical events, water management has played a changing role in the subsystems’ interactions: from being constrained to the substratum and from boosting urbanization to against urbanization. The significant difference in the change rate of the three subsystems is crucial in disturbing the balance between them. This historical review provides a multidisciplinary backdrop and perspective to integrating water management and spatial planning in the new Chinese territorial planning system. In particular, by reinterpreting local traditional water management methods, this retrospective provides a reference for the research and development of decentralized adaptive water management strategies and multiscale spatial planning and governance approaches.
Key words:  territorial space planning  water management  delta urbanism  historical evolution  Yangtze River Delta
XIE Yuting,(BEL) Christian Nolf,(BEL) Florence Vannoorbeeck.Towards Integrated Water Management and Spatial Planning: Historical Review and Prospects for the Yangtze River Delta[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2022, 29(2):39-45.