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黄楚梨, 王晞月, 王向荣, 林箐
关键词:  城–湖关系  陂塘系统  余杭南湖  人居环境  风景特征  传统景观体系
基金项目:北京林业大学建设世界一流学科和特色发展引导专项(编号 2019XKJS0317,2019XKJS0315)
Study on South Lake of Yuhang and the City-Lake Landscape System
HUANG Chuli, WANG Xiyue, WANG Xiangrong, LIN Qing
Beijing Forestry University
The South Lake of Yuhang, part of an impounding water conservancy system in the Taihu Basin, is a model of artificial transformation of natural land to benefit regional development. This research is carried out in the three aspects of landscape characteristics, co-evolution of the city and the lake and the fabric of the water conservancy system, and the spatial dynamic relationship and support relationship between the city and lake. They describe the characteristics of the "mountain-impounding lake-city" landscape system, featuring mutual influence and coordinated development in the five aspects of water conservancy construction, agricultural production, settlement construction, social background, and landscape construction in synergy within the conservation and functioning of the landscape system of South Lake and Yuhang, providing theoretical reference for the construction of the new Yuhang City.
Key words:  relationship between city and lake  impounding lake system  the South Lake of Yuhang  human settlement  landscape character  traditional landscape system
HUANG Chuli,WANG Xiyue,WANG Xiangrong,LIN Qing.Study on South Lake of Yuhang and the City-Lake Landscape System[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2022, 29(2):46-52.