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赵迪, 毕倚冉
儿童是城市的使用者,也是城市未来的主人,城市建设中注重儿童参与是尊重儿童权利的关键因素,不仅对儿童的身体发育、心理健康、情感认知具有积极促进作用,还使得城市更加具备包容性、公平性和友好性,促进城市的可持续发展。以Web of Science(WoS)核心合集数据库及中国知网(CNKI)文献数据库等为依据,采用研究整合法,对国内外儿童参与式规划设计领域的发展历程、国际倡议与地方政策、理论研究和代表性实践项目等内容进行整理分析,并从顶层架构、组织机制、实践模式3方面提出适合中国的儿童参与式规划设计的发展策略,为规划和建设儿童友好城市提供重要理论支撑。
关键词:  风景园林  儿童友好城市  城市规划与设计  儿童的参与权  参与机制
Research Progress and Prospect of Children’s Participatory Planning and Design in Urban Construction
ZHAO Di, BI Yiran
Tianjin University
Children are the users and future masters of cities. They actively participate in the process of urban construction, which has a positive role in promoting children’s physical development, mental health, and emotional cognition. It also makes urban space more inclusive, fair and sustainable. Based on the WoS and CNKI, adopting research integration method, systematic analyze the development process and research of urban environmental planning and design at home and abroad, covering policies and regulations, theoretical research and representative practical projects, involving children's participation, participation methods, evaluation and other content. It also proposes development strategies suitable for children's participatory design in China from the establishment of systems, organizational structures, and localization practices, providing a new perspective for planning and construction of child-friendly cities of China.
Key words:  landscape architecture  child-friendly cities  urban planning and design  children’s right to participate  participation mechanism
ZHAO Di,BI Yiran.Research Progress and Prospect of Children’s Participatory Planning and Design in Urban Construction[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2022, 29(2):65-70.