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林芷珊1, 林广思2
关键词:  儿童友好型  儿童户外活动空间  环境感知  环境行为  独立活动性  行为背景  景观绩效  包容性  参与式设计
基金项目:广东省基础与应用基础研究基金自然科学基金(编号 2019A1515010483)
Research Status and Prospects of Child-Friendly Open Spaces Based on Affordance Theory
LIN Zhishan1, LIN Guangsi2
1.Southeast University;2.South China University of Technology
The affordance theory describes the psychological essence of children's environmental perception and their behavioral response to specific environment in the way of function, reflecting strong humanistic care. Through literature review, this paper first clarifies that the affordance theory has become an important basis for the research of children's environmental perception because it can directly describe children's environment-behavior relationship. By different dimensions, levels and attributes of affordance, the various activities opportunities provided by open spaces for children can be described in detail. As a medium concept to connect environment with human perception and behavior, affordance actually describes conditions of behavior occurrence and explains how physical, social and cultural and individual factors affect children's realization of affordances and even children's development. Measuring and analyzing affordance constitutes the basic research method of child-friendly open spaces based on affordance theory at present. The research of child-friendly open spaces based on affordance theory also goes beyond the space design decision and efficiency evaluation and further provides the possibility of establishing a research and practice framework oriented by evidence-based design.
Key words:  child-friendly  children’s outdoor activity space  environmental perception  environmental behavior  independent mobility  behavior settings  landscape performance  inclusivity  participatory design
LIN Zhishan,LIN Guangsi.Research Status and Prospects of Child-Friendly Open Spaces Based on Affordance Theory[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2022, 29(2):71-77.