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何悦, 陈荣, 张云路
关键词:  乡村人居环境  乡村公共景观  地方依恋  新型农村社区  原住民
基金项目:国家自然科学基金青年科学基金(编号 51908034);国家重点研发计划(编号 2019YFD1100402)
Perception and Optimization Strategies of Public Landscape in New Rural Communities Based on Place Attachment of Indigenous People: A Case Study of Beijing Tianxianyu Village
HE Yue, CHEN Rong, ZHANG Yunlu
Beijing Forestry University
New rural communities are currently a new form of development that promotes urban-rural coordination and agricultural and rural modernization. However, the changes in the current living environment of new rural communities and the phenomena like local characteristics losing, excessive urbanizing of new community public space can’t meet the indigenous people’ psychological needs of place attachment. In order to resolve the conflicts between the new village construction and the indigenous peoples’ place attachment, and build a new rural community with an organic integration of modern governance and humanistic care, this paper takes Tianxianyu Village as an example, and uses attachment scale questionnaires and villager interviews to explore the public landscape element attachment perception of villagers of different ages. It refines the population and examines the reasons for the differences in attachment perception among groups. It also reveals the characteristics of rural public landscape that trigger the perception of place attachment of indigenous people. The results show that villagers have strong attachments to public landscapes with productive nature and emotional involvement, and that different age groups have different concerns and recognition of various public landscape elements. In response to the above findings, the new rural community public landscape optimization suggestions and strategies aimed at enhancing place attachment are put forward to provide new development ideas for the construction of modern rural communities. It provides scientific guidance for the optimization of rural living environment and the return of people-centered.
Key words:  rural human settlement environment  rural public landscape  place attachment  new rural community  indigenous people
HE Yue,CHEN Rong,ZHANG Yunlu.Perception and Optimization Strategies of Public Landscape in New Rural Communities Based on Place Attachment of Indigenous People: A Case Study of Beijing Tianxianyu Village[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2022, 29(3):31-36.