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宋云辉, 陈一
关键词:  风景园林  乡村振兴  乡村景观  林盘景观  营建模式  空间结构  提升策略
Research on Rural Landscape Construction Mode and Spatial Structure of Chengdu in the Context of Rural Revitalization
SONG Yunhui, CHEN Yi
Sichuan University
Under the rural revitalization strategy, the construction of rural ecological civilization system needs to be based on the rural landscape with more regional characteristics and a higher construction level. Taking 82 “provincial-level demonstration villages for rural revitalization” in Chengdu as examples, this research systematically analyzes the construction techniques and spatial structure characteristics of rural landscape in Chengdu. For the first time, it puts forward five rural landscape construction modes: agricultural tourism comprehensive leisure mode, flower garden sightseeing mode, ecological landscape vacation mode, cultural and folk customs protection mode, and characteristic industry experience mode. It further summarizes six types of rural landscape spatial structures: clustered, parallel, enclosed, central, dendritic and mixed, and then analyzes the problems and promotion strategies of Chengdu rural landscape in three aspects: overall pattern, mode selection and spatial optimization, so as to provide reference for the high-quality construction of rural landscape.
Key words:  landscape architecture  rural revitalization  rural landscape  Linpan landscape  construction mode  spatial structure  promotion strategy
SONG Yunhui,CHEN Yi.Research on Rural Landscape Construction Mode and Spatial Structure of Chengdu in the Context of Rural Revitalization[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2022, 29(3):37-42.