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钟乐1, 章政2, 张引3
关键词:  风景园林  城市自然保护地  生物多样性  城市荒野  城镇化  国家公园
基金项目:中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金(编号 2662020YLQD003);国家自然科学基金青年科学基金(编号 52108040)
International Experience and Inspirations in Management of Urban Protected Areas
1.Huazhong Agricultural University;2.Jiangxi Tourism Planning and Research Institute;3.Chongqing University
The “urbanization century” has arrived globally, bringing about great challenges and opportunities to the cause of nature conservation. Urban protected areas are thus becoming increasingly prominent. It is also a critical time for China to put more emphasis on the conservation and management of urban protected areas, due to the irreversible trend of new-type urbanization and the appeal for the reconstruction of the protected area system. However, there is a lack of relevant researches in China, that the international experience is of great reference significance. On the basis of a systematic global literature review, this research clarifies the concept and characteristics of urban protected areas and distinguishes them from urban wilderness, urban green space and other protected areas. It also draws management experiences of urban protected areas from the historical retrospect and current situation evaluation, at the cognitive, administrative, financial and social levels. Then it puts forward three vital research directions on Chinese urban protected areas, which are the status survey and evaluation, relations with the territorial spatial planning system, and the study on formulation and management measures. It further provides four suggestions to improve the management efficiency of urban protected areas, including raising public awareness by scientific researches, administrative governance by multiple approaches, ensuring financial supply by market incentives and encouraging public participation by national education. After a systematic review of the international experience, it creatively ponders the possible future development of urban protected areas in China, providing reference for subsequent studies and practices.
Key words:  landscape architecture  urban protected areas  biodiversity  urban wilderness  urbanization  national parks
ZHONG Le,ZHANG Zheng,ZHANG Yin.International Experience and Inspirations in Management of Urban Protected Areas[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2022, 29(3):73-78.