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王洲林, 陈蔚镇
关键词:  风景园林  空间治理  主体互动  媒介  景观方法  国土空间规划  规划体系运作
Landscape Approaches as a Medium of Spatial Governance Subjects Interaction
WANG Zhoulin, CHEN Weizhen
Tongji University
Systematically exploring the supporting role of landscape approaches in the interaction process of spatial governance subjects is a way to improve the spatial governance capacity and tap the potentials of the landscape research and practice paradigm in the new era. This research first defines the object of the interaction between landscape approaches and spatial governance subjects, and then systematically shows the concrete manifestations of this supporting role on the basis of the international literature review and typical case studies. In general, all landscape research methods emphasize opening the window of cross-border interaction for all links of spatial planning, and building a bridge for the cross-hierarchy connection. Specific to same spatial issues, the practice framework constructed by the landscape planning project can effectively incorporate multiple stakeholders, and the multiple landscape research methods used in this process can significantly improve the participation and cooperation ability of various subjects in the functioning of the spatial planning system. In essence, as the main interactive medium of spatial governance, the landscape approaches are mainly committed to providing a consensus discourse and appropriate opportunity and platform to promote cooperation in the field of spatial planning research or practice, rather than directly providing technical land use solutions. The analytical perspective of this research further clarifies the cross-research focus of landscape architecture and spatial planning, and deepens the understanding of the ways to reflect the value of landscape architecture.
Key words:  landscape architecture  spatial governance  subjects interaction  medium  landscape approach  territorial spatial planning  planning system functioning
WANG Zhoulin,CHEN Weizhen.Landscape Approaches as a Medium of Spatial Governance Subjects Interaction[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2022, 29(3):92-97.