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洪昕晨1, 黄圳1, 王光玉2, 刘江1
关键词:  声景  光景  循环神经网络(RNN)  城市公园  长时模拟  感知响度  感知协调度
基金项目:国家重点研发计划(编号 2018YFC0704705);教育部人文社会科学研究项目(编号 21YJCZH038);福建省中青年教师科研项目(编号 JAT200010)
Modeling Long-Term Perceived Soundscape in Urban Parks: A Case Study of Three Urban Parks in Vancouver, Canada
HONG Xinchen1, HUANG Zhen1, WANG Guangyu2, LIU Jiang1
1.Fuzhou University;2.University of British Columbia, Canada
To explore the applicability of Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) to simulate the long-term perceived loudness and harmoniousness of soundscape (PLS, PHS) in urban parks, this research uses the Elman and NARX neural networks with temporal memory and delay functions for separate validation. It takes objective parameters of soundscape and lightscape as inputs, and PLS and PHS as outputs to train and simulate the models of Elman and NARX neural network. The results show that: 1) There is correlation between PLS, PHS, LAeq, background sound (L95) and direct light (TL); 2) The Elman neural network has better long-term simulation effect on PLS and NARX neural network has better long-term simulation effect on PHS; 3) From the contribution rate of each parameter in the input layer, LAeq, foreground sound (L5), psychoacoustic parameter loudness (LO) and diffuse light (EL) simultaneously show a higher contribution in the two RNN models. The results indicate that the RNN is suitable for the long-term perceived soundscape in urban parks, providing an effective method and reference for the optimal design of soundscape in urban parks.
Key words:  soundscape  lightscape  recurrent neural network(RNN)  urban parks  long-term simulation  perceived loudness of soundscape  perceived harmoniousness of soundscape
HONG Xinchen,HUANG Zhen,WANG Guangyu,LIU Jiang.Modeling Long-Term Perceived Soundscape in Urban Parks: A Case Study of Three Urban Parks in Vancouver, Canada[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2022, 29(3):86-91.