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(日)青木信夫1, 徐苏斌2
关键词:  世界遗产  工业考古学  工业遗产  普查  价值评估  中日比较
基金项目:国家自然科学基金(编号 51878438,52178021);国家社会科学基金艺术学重大课题(编号 21ZD01)
Comparison and Reference of Industrial Heritage Survey and Evaluation Researches in China and Japan
(JPN) AOKI Nobuo1, XU Subin2
1.International Research Center for Chinese Cultural Heritage Conservation;2.Tianjin University
Modern industries in Asia were greatly influenced by the British Industrial Revolution, and the researches and protection of Asian industrial heritage also developed in the context of international industrial heritage protection. Japan’s industrial heritage researches began in the 1970s. China’s industrial heritage researches showed a clear upward trend in 2006 and is still in progress today. The researches and protection of industrial heritage in China and Japan have different characteristics. This article compares the similarities and differences in the research and development histories, survey and evaluation methods, and cultural relic designation between the two countries in order to examine the development of international industrial heritage protection in Asia from the case of Japan and China and strengthens academic exchanges and mutual learning of Asian industrial heritage. The author believes that: 1) basic research remains an important task for the next stage of China’s industrial heritage research in the next stage. 2) The nationwide census should be carried out as soon as possible. 3) China’s database construction and evaluation should be further deepened.
Key words:  World Heritage  industrial archaeology  industrial heritage  census  value evaluation  Sino-Japanese comparison
(JPN) AOKI Nobuo,XU Subin.Comparison and Reference of Industrial Heritage Survey and Evaluation Researches in China and Japan[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2022, 29(4):40-46.