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张梦晗1, 刘京一2, 史敏3, 林箐1
在当今单一土地利用造成危机的背景下,农林复合土地利用模式对于农业文化遗产景观可持续发展的价值值得关注。深入研究农林复合土地利用模式在中国重要农业文化遗产系统(China National Important Agricultural Heritage System, China-NIAHS)中的重要性,及其对China-NIAHS景观可持续性的影响。基于对118个China-NIAHS的资料解析,运用多种指标评估其中农林复合土地利用模式的重要性以及China-NIAHS的景观可持续性,并进行了相关性分析。研究结果表明,农林复合土地利用模式在大多数China-NIAHS中至关重要,其重要性与多数景观可持续性指标显著相关,尤其在生物多样性、收入多样性、资源利用程度方面。讨论了研究结果对国土尺度下的农业文化遗产景观可持续发展的启示。
关键词:  农业景观  农业文化遗产景观  景观可持续性  农林复合土地利用模式  相关性分析  传统实践知识和治理体系
基金项目:北京市共建项目专项资助;中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金(编号 2015ZCQ-YL-02)
Correlation Between Agroforestry Land-Use Modes and Sustainability of Agricultural Heritage Landscapes
ZHANG Menghan1, LIU Jingyi2, SHI Min3, LIN Qing1
1.Beijing Forestry University;2.South China Agricultural University;3.China Agriculture Press
In the context of the crisis caused by monoculture land use, the value of the agroforestry land-use modes for the sustainable development of the agricultural heritage landscape has been revalued by academics. This research explores the importance of the agroforestry land-use modes in the China National Important Agricultural Heritage System (China-NIAHS) and their impacts on landscape sustainability of China-NIAHS. Based on the analysis of 118 China-NIAHS materials, it comprehensively evaluates the importance of the agroforestry land-use modes and the landscape sustainability of China-NIAHS by multiple indicators, and further conducts the correlation analysis. The result shows that the agroforestry land-use modes are critical in the most of China-NIAHS. Their importance is significantly correlated with the majority of landscape sustainability indicators, especially in biodiversity, income diversity, and resource utilization. The valuable implications of the result for the sustainable development of agricultural heritage landscapes at the national scale are further discussed.
Key words:  agricultural landscape  agricultural heritage landscape  landscape sustainability  agroforestry land-use mode  correlation analysis  traditional practical knowledge and governance system
ZHANG Menghan,LIU Jingyi,SHI Min,LIN Qing.Correlation Between Agroforestry Land-Use Modes and Sustainability of Agricultural Heritage Landscapes[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2022, 29(4):47-53.