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张祥, 赵骏, 吴雪飞
在城市尺度,由于城市绿地和建筑对城市环境噪声的影响机制尚不明确,故鲜有研究单独将城市绿地和城市环境噪声联系起来。试图通过对城市绿地形态相关的指标优化来提高城市绿地对区域环境噪声的净衰减量增量。以武汉市武昌区为例,以600 m边长的网格为基本单元对研究区域进行划分,通过声学模拟和校正、空间分析与统计等方法计算各单元内的噪声净衰减量和城市绿地形态相关的关键性指标数据。首先进行全局的Pearson相关性分析并构建普通最小二乘法(OLS)线性回归模型、地理加权回归(GWR)模型,之后深入分析平均临近指数(MPI)、有效粒度尺寸(MESH)、平均形状指数(MSI)、平均斑块面积(MPA)和斑块类型面积(CA)这5项城市绿地形态关键指标的降噪作用规律。结果表明:1)绿地形态指标和噪声净衰减量的相关系数呈现先增大后减小的趋势,CA和MPA在缓冲区半径为300 m时相关系数最大;2)城市绿地形态各项关键指标均对噪声净衰减量有显著的正向增量作用;3)高绿化覆盖率和高降噪能力集聚特征基本吻合,而各项绿地形态指标的降噪效果具有空间非稳定性和明显的区域分布特征。研究发现优先提升绿化覆盖率仍然是目前最有效的改善区域声学环境的方法,且经系统筛选得到的其他关键性绿地形态指标可以作为制定弹性和刚性结合的绿地规划管控策略的依据。
关键词:  城市绿地形态  景观格局  区域环境噪声  交通噪声  噪声模拟  地理加权回归
基金项目:中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金(编号 2662018JC042)
The Influence of Urban Green Space Form on Regional Environmental Noise
ZHANG Xiang, ZHAO Jun, WU Xuefei
Huazhong Agricultural University
At the urban scale, few studies have linked urban green space and urban environmental noise alone, since the influence mechanism of urban green space and buildings on urban environmental noise is unclear. This research attempts to improve the net attenuation increment of urban green space to regional environmental noise by promoting the optimization of indicators related to the urban green space form. It takes Wuchang District of Wuhan City as an example, and divides the target area with 600 m side length grid as the basic unit. It calculates the net noise attenuation in each unit and the key indicator data related to the urban green space form by means of acoustic simulation and correction, spatial analysis and statistics. Firstly, it carries out the global Pearson correlation analysis and constructs the ordinary least square (OLS) linear regression model and geographically weighted regression (GWR) model. Then, it deeply analyzes the noise reduction law of five key indicators of urban green space form, such as mean proximity index (MPI), effective mesh size (MESH), mean shape index (MSI), mean patch area (MPA) and class area (CA). The results show that: 1) The correlation coefficient between the indicators of green space form and the net noise attenuation shows a trend of first increasing and then decreasing and the correlation coefficient between the CA and MPA reaches the maximum when the buffer radius is 300 m; 2) All key indicators of urban green space form have a significant positive incremental effect on net noise attenuation; 3) The clustering characteristics of high green coverage and high noise reduction ability are basically consistent, and the noise reduction effect of each green space form indicator has spatial instability and obvious regional distribution characteristics. This research finds that prioritizing the elevation of green coverage remains the most effective method to improve the regional acoustic environment. Other key indicators of green space form screened by this research system can also be used as the basis for formulating flexible and rigid green space planning and control strategies.
Key words:  urban green space form  landscape pattern  regional environmental noise  traffic noise  noise simulation  geographically weighted regression (GWR)
ZHANG Xiang,ZHAO Jun,WU Xuefei.The Influence of Urban Green Space Form on Regional Environmental Noise[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2022, 29(4):83-88.