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王子尧, 张诗阳, 王向荣, 林箐
关键词:  风景园林  景观设计  数字技术  倾斜摄影  后工业  全流程  采石场
The Path of Quarry Landscape Design Coupled with Multi-digital Technology: A Case Study of Quarry Gardens in the 12th China (Nanning) International Garden Expo Park
WANG Ziyao, ZHANG Shiyang, WANG Xiangrong, LIN Qing
Beijing Forestry University
The combination of digital technology and landscape design can enhance the accuracy and logic of design. However, most of the existing researches are limited to the application of single technical means, and have not yet formed a design method framework that integrates multi-digital technology. Taking the quarry gardens in the 12th China (Nanning) International Garden Expo Park as an example, this research constructs a set of quarry landscape design path coupled with the UAV oblique photography technology, parametric analysis and design technology, and virtual reality (VR) technology. Compared with the traditional quarry landscape design methods, this path is divided into three stages of data collection and processing, site analysis and design, and program evidence and improvement, realizing digital landscape design in the whole process with high feasibility. It can provide a methodological reference for future quarry landscape design, and facilitate the digital transformation of landscape design.
Key words:  landscape architecture  landscape design  digital technology  oblique photography  postindustrial  whole process  quarry
WANG Ziyao,ZHANG Shiyang,WANG Xiangrong,LIN Qing.The Path of Quarry Landscape Design Coupled with Multi-digital Technology: A Case Study of Quarry Gardens in the 12th China (Nanning) International Garden Expo Park[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2022, 29(4):107-113.