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李端杰, 王梦晗, 王洁宁
关键词:  城市公园  公园边界空间  应急避险  行为模拟  空间优化  MassMotion
基金项目:国家自然科学基金青年科学基金(编号 51808320)
Optimization of Urban Park Boundary Space Based on Simulation of Emergency Hedging Behavior: A Case Study of Quancheng Park in Jinan
LI Duanjie, WANG Menghan, WANG Jiening
Shandong Jianzhu University
Urban parks, a major component of the urban disaster prevention system, have played a prominent role in disaster prevention and avoidance in the process of disaster relief. The choice of paths and the demands of people in the situation of risk aversion have become an important basis of urban park planning. Based on the analysis of psychology, characteristics and influencing factors of emergency hedging behaviors in disasters, this research constructs a mass evacuation model around the Quancheng Park in Jinan on the MassMotion platform, simulates the hedging behaviors of people during disasters, and puts forward the optimization strategy of the boundary space of the parks: enhance the traversability of main roads around the park, create a permeable entrance space, and enhance the convenience from the park entrance to main roads of the park. The conclusion is conducive to promote the orderly and effective actions of people to avoid risks in urban parks during disasters, and provides reference for the planning, design and service management of urban parks.
Key words:  urban park  park boundary space  emergency hedging  behavior simulation  space optimization  MassMotion
LI Duanjie,WANG Menghan,WANG Jiening.Optimization of Urban Park Boundary Space Based on Simulation of Emergency Hedging Behavior: A Case Study of Quancheng Park in Jinan[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2022, 29(4):114-120.