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曹胜昔1, 赵艳2, 杨昌鸣2, 赵海明1
关键词:  生态风景道  功能适宜性评价  德尔菲法  层次分析法  冬季奥运会
基金项目:河北省技术创新引导计划项目(编号 19974211D)
Function Suitability Evaluation System of Ecological Scenic Byways Under the Perspective of Production-Living-Ecological Space: A Case Study of the Winter Olympics Games Scenic Byway in Chongli District
CAO Shengxi1, ZHAO Yan2, YANG Changming2, ZHAO Haiming1
1.Norinco Group Norendar International Ltd.;2.Tianjin University
The quantitative evaluation methods adapting to national development requirements should be put forward in accordance with the needs of ecological, living and production space development, because ecological scenic byways are affected by many factors of territorial spatial planning. Based on the review of the connotations and research progress of ecological scenic byways, this research puts forward the idea and methods on the functional suitability evaluation of ecological scenic byways under the perspective of production-living-ecological space. It evaluates the functional suitability of the ecological scenic byway of the Winter Olympics Games in Chongli District, Zhangjiakou with the Delphi method and the analytic hierarchy process, and further proposes landscape planning strategies. The research results serve as the premise of the planning and construction of the ecological scenic byway of the Winter Olympics, providing necessary reference for ecological corridor, slow traffic system, leisure post station and service facilities planning of ecological scenic byways.
Key words:  ecological scenic byway  functional suitability evaluation  Delphi method (DM)  analytic hierarchy process (AHP)  Winter Olympic Games
CAO Shengxi,ZHAO Yan,YANG Changming,ZHAO Haiming.Function Suitability Evaluation System of Ecological Scenic Byways Under the Perspective of Production-Living-Ecological Space: A Case Study of the Winter Olympics Games Scenic Byway in Chongli District[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2022, 29(4):121-127.