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李源, 李险峰
作为中国特定历史条件下形成的风景点及风景建筑,佛寺园林是古代城市风景规划的重要组成部分。以明代北京地区的佛寺园林为例,将826篇佛寺游览写景诗文作为研究材料,探究其中的历史景观认知内容:1)基于扎根理论编码方法,从诗文材料中提取7 566个原始文本节点,并梳理得到包含58类景观要素的11个景观范畴;2)基于Python语言编程与VOSviewer软件分析,获得由不同景观要素组成的6类风景意象;3)结合历史舆图和ArcGIS核密度分析,对每类风景意象的空间分布与景观特征进行解释。研究结论有助于从宏观层面理解北京佛寺园林的整体历史风貌特色,并为当代文化遗产的相关实践与研究提供审慎参考。
关键词:  风景园林  明代北京  佛寺  景观认知  景观要素  风景意象
基金项目:国家留学基金(编号 201806350207)
Poetic Representation of Landscape Images: Landscape Cognition of Buddhist Temple Gardens of the Ming Dynasty in Beijing
LI Yuan, LI Xianfeng
China Agricultural University
As a unique traditional cultural landscape formed under specific historical conditions, Chinese Buddhist temple gardens are an important part of the landscape planning of ancient Chinese cities. Taking the Buddhist temple gardens in Beijing in the Ming Dynasty as an example, this research uses 826 ancient poems of Buddhist temple as research materials to explore the cognitive content of related historical landscape: 1) 7,566 original textual nodes from 826 Chinese ancient poems are extracted by using the grounded theory. The textual nodes are then divided into 58 concepts, which are all categorized into 11 categories. 2) Based on the Python and VOSviewer, the concepts are formed into six kinds of landscape images. 3) According to the historical maps and ArcGIS kernel density analysis, each landscape image is interpreted to describe the specific historical landscape and spatial distribution. The results can help better understand the historical styles of the Buddhist temple gardens of Beijing in the Ming Dynasty and serve as a reference for related researches and practice.
Key words:  landscape architecture  Beijing in the Ming Dynasty  Buddhist temple  landscape cognition  landscape elements  landscape image
LI Yuan,LI Xianfeng.Poetic Representation of Landscape Images: Landscape Cognition of Buddhist Temple Gardens of the Ming Dynasty in Beijing[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2022, 29(4):128-133.