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在绿色、低碳、可持续的空间发展需求下,城市自然理念备受关注。在这一背景下,德国城市自然综合性内涵及前沿性成果亟须得到系统性阐释。在梳理德国城市自然4个发展阶段的基础上,比较分析准备期、形成期和认同期中以生态学、风景园林学为基础的城市自然认知脉络,以及突破期中公众自然意识提升和《城市自然整体规划》实施带来的新发展。通过逻辑推演,提出基于《城市自然整体规划》(德语:Masterplan Stadtnatur)措施要义的21世纪“生物-人-社会-气候-生态”城市自然认知框架,阐释城市自然在核心、媒介、纽带、挑战和设施方面的重要内容。根据德国经验提出:1)梳理城市自然多层内涵,构建综合认知体系;2)坚持法律法规引领,构建完整的城市自然规划与实施体系;3)开展多元协商,注重多利益主体参与合作,为中国城市自然研究提供重要的思路和启发。
关键词:  风景园林  生态学  城市自然  绿色空间  公众参与  生物多样性保护  《城市自然整体规划》
基金项目:北京建筑大学市属高校基本科研业务费专项资金(编号 X20029)
Research on and Enlightenment of the Overall Planning of Urban Nature in Germany
LI Mengyixin
Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Architecture
The demand for green, low-carbon and sustainable spatial development has brought the concept of urban nature into focus. In this context, the comprehensive connotations and cutting-edge results thereof in urgent need of systematic interpretation. This research elaborates on the four development phases the aforesaid concept has experienced in Germany, namely the preparation, formation, identification and breakthrough phases. Based on this, the research, through comparative analysis, discusses not only the cognition of urban nature from the perspectives of ecology and landscape architecture during the preparation, formation and identification phases, but also the new trend of development brought about by the increase of public natural awareness and the implementation of the Overall Planning of Urban Nature (German: Masterplan Stadtnatur) during the breakthrough phase. Furthermore, through logical inference, it proposes the cognitive framework of ‘biology-human-society-climate-ecology’ for urban nature in the 21st century based on the essence of measures specified in the Overall Planning of Urban Nature, which explains the important contents of urban nature in terms of core, medium, link, challenge and facility. Drawing on German experience, the research puts forward the following viewpoints: 1) integrate the multi-layered connotation of urban nature to build a comprehensive cognitive system; 2) build a complete urban nature planning and implementation system under the guidance of laws and regulations; 3) carry out diversified consultations and focus on multi-stakeholder participation and cooperation, thus contributing essential ideas and enlightenments to the research on urban nature in China.
Key words:  landscape architecture  ecology  urban nature  green space  public participation  biodiversity conservation  Overall Planning of Urban Nature
LI Mengyixin.Research on and Enlightenment of the Overall Planning of Urban Nature in Germany[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2022, 29(6):70-75.