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黄菊清, 萧蕾
关键词:  生态系统服务  绿色屋顶  层次分析法(AHP)  专家评估法  灵敏性分析
基金项目:住房和城乡建设部科学技术计划项目(编号 2019-K-129);广东省普通高校特色创新项目(编号 2018KTSCX002)
Construction of Ecosystem Services Evaluation Model for Green Roofs
HUANG Juqing, XIAO Lei
South China University of Technology
The contradiction between urban high-density development and the demand for green space promotes the three-dimensional extension of urban public space, which brings opportunities for the development of green roofs. The functions of ecosystem services of green roofs can provide people with ecological, economic, and social benefits. Based on the system for Common International Classification of Ecosystem Services (CICES) and the indicator system for evaluating Gross Ecosystem Product (GEP) of Shenzhen, this research selects evaluation indicators and decision-making schemes through literature research and, for the first time, builds an ecosystem services evaluation model for green roofs with the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) and the specialist evaluation method. Additionally, a comparative analysis is conducted based on case study and model results, which shows that: 1) among all ecosystem services, regulation and maintenance services are the most important in the criterion layer, and climate regulation is the most important in the indicator layer; 2) among five green roof types, biodiversity roof is considered the most important; 3) specialist evaluation on the importance of ecosystem services of green roofs can, to a certain extent, reflect the positioning by decision-makers of the functions of main ecosystem services of green roofs in actual projects. The evaluation model has some application value and is of great significance to the planning and layout of urban green roofs, especially in terms of site and type selection.
Key words:  ecosystem service  green roof  analytic hierarchy process (AHP)  specialist evaluation method  sensitivity analysis
HUANG Juqing,XIAO Lei.Construction of Ecosystem Services Evaluation Model for Green Roofs[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2022, 29(6):76-83.