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张潇涵, 成玉宁
关键词:  风景园林  点云技术  既有空间  景观空间密度  空间形态
基金项目:国家自然科学基金(编号 51838003);国家自然科学基金青年科学基金(编号 52108045);国家重点研发计划(编号 2019YFD1100405)
Research on Quantification Method for Landscape Space Density Based on Point Cloud Technology
ZHANG Xiaohan, CHENG Yuning
Southeast University
The development of point cloud technology provides an essential opportunity for the accurate quantification and precise design of landscape space. In this research, the landscape space density (LSD) index, typically estimated on the basis of field research and experience in previous researches, is selected to optimize the quantification method adopted by using point cloud and other digital technologies. Firstly, based on the point cloud model generated by unmanned aerial vehicle tilt photography and ground-based radar scanning, this research figures out the three-dimensional morphology and overall space density of landscape elements through point cloud voxelization. Then, it visualizes the three-dimensional distribution of space density by Grasshopper. Finally, it takes the landscape space around Meian building in Southeast University as an example to explore the practical application of the quantification method. Research results shows that the proposed method has outstanding advantages in such aspects as the efficiency of data collection and processing, accuracy of calculation and readability of results, and may thus help to provide targeted optimization strategies for landscape design in a more intuitive and accurate way.
Key words:  landscape architecture  point cloud technology  existing space  landscape space density (LSD)  spatial morphology
ZHANG Xiaohan,CHENG Yuning.Research on Quantification Method for Landscape Space Density Based on Point Cloud Technology[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2022, 29(6):84-89.