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陈忆湄, 郭巍
关键词:  风景园林  制图学  空间认知  图示体系  传统舆图  地图术
Cartographic Research on Chinese Traditional Maps
CHEN Yimei, GUO Wei
Beijing Forestry University
Containing Chinese traditional graphical wisdom and power, traditional maps can demonstrate the ancients’ perception and creation of space, but the connotation and value thereof still need to be explored currently. Interpreting the cartographic connotation of traditional maps is helpful for the understanding and inheritance of Chinese traditional spatial graphical system. Taking a variety of traditional maps such as city maps, graff maps, route maps and others as research objects, this research summarizes the graphical system of traditional maps, that is, the graphical characteristics of traditional maps at four levels: spatial perspective, spatial elements, description hierarchy and narrative expressions. On these grounds, this research discusses similarities between the graphical system of traditional maps and contemporary mappings, and applies traditional graphical wisdom to the geomantic mapping of Western Royal Tombs in Qing Dynasty, which provides new perspectives of thinking and practical clues for the research and application of the graphical system of traditional maps.
Key words:  landscape architecture  cartography  spatial cognition  graphical system  traditional map  mapping
CHEN Yimei,GUO Wei.Cartographic Research on Chinese Traditional Maps[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2022, 29(6):128-134.