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刘梦萱, 杨春侠, 范兆祥
随着城市微气候研究逐步向精细化发展,微气候与人群行为关系的研究已成为其中重要的组成部分之一。对相关成果进行梳理,有助于研究者充分了解城市微气候环境对人群行为的作用机制,从而自下而上、科学合理地规划和设计城市公共空间。以Web of Science核心合集数据库及中国知网(CNKI)数据库为源,从文献数量、机构合作网络、期刊分布三方面对相关研究进行概述,通过对文献的共被引聚类分析,发现目前研究的脉络主要向客观热舒适指标和环境行为学2个方面延伸和发展。从微气候、空间、行为3个方面挖掘研究热点:在微气候层面,探讨了PET、WBGT等综合指标和温度、太阳辐射等分项要素对人群行为的影响;在空间层面,则涵盖宏观空间和微观空间2个层面;在行为层面,则涉及游憩、体力活动和步行3种行为类型。以此为基础,提出3个值得继续探索的议题:微气候、空间、行为互动关系的系统研究;新方法、新技术在微气候与人群行为关系研究中的运用;各气候区及地区间研究探索的平衡。以期为后续微气候与人群行为的研究提供借鉴与指导。
关键词:  城市空间  微气候  户外活动  公共空间  热舒适指标  热适应
Review and Prospect of the Relationship Between Urban Space Microclimate and Crowd Behavior
LIU Mengxuan, YANG Chunxia, FAN Zhaoxiang
Tongji University
With the increasingly refined development trend of urban microclimate research, the research on the relationship between microclimate and crowd behavior has become an important part thereof. Sorting out relevant results will help researchers fully understand the action mechanism of urban microclimate environment on crowd behavior, and thus enable them to plan and design urban public spaces from the bottom up scientifically and reasonably. With the Web of Science Core Collection database and the CNKI database as the data source, this research summarizes relevant researches from the three aspects of literature quantity, institutional cooperation network and journal distribution and, through the co-citation cluster analysis of relevant literature, finds that the current research context mainly extends and develops toward the two directions of objective thermal comfort indices and environment-behavior studies. Additionally, the research mines hotspots from the three aspects of microclimate, space and behavior: in terms of microclimate, it discusses the influence of comprehensive indices (PET, WBGT, etc.) and sub-elements (temperature, solar radiation, etc.) on crowd behavior; in terms of space, it covers both macroscopic and microscopic spatial elements; in terms of behavior, three types consist of recreation, physical activity and walking. Based on this, the research proposes three issues worthy of further exploration, namely systematic research on the interaction between microclimate, space and behavior, application of new methods and technologies in research on the relationship between microclimate and crowd behavior, and balance of research and exploration between various climatic zones and regions, in hope of providing and guidance for subsequent researches on the relationship between microclimate and crowd behavior.
Key words:  urban space  microclimate  outdoor activity  public space  thermal comfort index  thermal adaptation
LIU Mengxuan,YANG Chunxia,FAN Zhaoxiang.Review and Prospect of the Relationship Between Urban Space Microclimate and Crowd Behavior[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2022, 29(6):121-127.