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程智鹏1, 陈茜1, 梁立雨1, 郝佳2
关键词:  风景园林  城市绿道网络  绿道评价  层次分析法(AHP)  福田区
Evaluation on Built Greenway Network in Futian District, Shenzhen
CHENG Zhipeng1, CHEN Xi1, LIANG Liyu1, HAO Jia2
1.Shenzhen Urban Transport Planning Center Co., Ltd;2.Urban Management and Comprehensive Law Enforcement Bureau of Futian District, Shenzhen
Greenway network construction has become the focus of urban ecological civilization construction and development, while comprehensive evaluation of greenway network is an important linkage and key process of greenway planning and construction. Shenzhen is one of the first cities building greenways in China. For greenways in Shenzhen that have been operating for 10 years, conducting a comprehensive evaluation and research is of great significance to improve the greenway network of the whole city. Based on relevant researches and field investigations home and abroad, this research, from the three dimensions of basic functions, spatial quality and systematic connectivity of urban greenway, builds a comprehensive evaluation system for urban greenways in Futian District, Shenzhen for conduction on existing greenways therein. The results show that the greenway network in Futian District has high accessibility but poor overall access smoothness, entailing further improvement of basic functions; the overall safety of greenway is quite low, and the usage experience thereof quite poor and spatial quality awaiting improvement with insufficient connection with major open spaces and cultural nodes in the city and indistinct themes, the greenways therein fail to well play the role of cultural carrier. In terms of spatial distribution, the greenways are mainly distributed in the central urban area and mostly in the form of greenway connection line, leading to lower proportion of main line construction and inefficient operation of the overall greenway system. Based on the aforesaid evaluation, the research makes the following suggestions: 1) strengthen the backbone network of greenways and the construction of community-level greenways closely connected with people’s life and greenways accessible to public transit micro-hubs, so as to improve the overall operation efficiency of the greenway system; 2) emphasize the space experience of greenway design; 3) strengthen the integration of greenways with nature, culture and life, and give full play to the composite functions of the greenway system, with a view to providing theoretical reference for future improvement of greenway network in Futian District and even Shenzhen as a whole.
Key words:  landscape architecture  urban greenway network  greenway evaluation  analytic hierarchy process (AHP)  Futian District
CHENG Zhipeng,CHEN Xi,LIANG Liyu,HAO Jia.Evaluation on Built Greenway Network in Futian District, Shenzhen[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2022, 29(6):115-120.