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邱烨珊, 车生泉
关键词:  风景园林  城市生态绿地  生态审美  自然式植物群落  生态系统服务
基金项目:上海市科学技术委员会科研计划(编号 19DZ1203700);2022 年上海高校智库内涵建设计划
Construction Strategies for Urban Ecological Green Space Based on Ecological Aesthetic
QIU Yeshan, CHE Shengquan
Shanghai Jiao Tong University
The construction of urban ecological green spaces contributes to the development of urban ecosystem and the improvement of public well-being. The exploration and clarification of key factors influencing the ecological aesthetic of urban green spaces is of important significance to the construction of healthy and stable ecological landscape and the guidance of public ecological values. By exploring the concept and connotation of ecological aesthetic, and summarizing the characteristics of green spaces in compliance with ecological aesthetic, this research proposed the following principles and countermeasures for the construction of urban ecological green spaces based on ecological aesthetic: classified urban green spaces into three types (ecological conservation type, ecological function type and ecological landscape type) by referring to the ecosystem service functions and basic conditions of urban green spaces as well as the interference of human activities to facilitate the construction of an ecological green space network; proposed six types of natural plant community configuration patterns in combination with the species composition, spatial layout and functional needs of green spaces. The aim is to provide a planning basis for the construction of green space landscape with high ecological efficiency and landscape quality.
Key words:  landscape architecture  urban ecological green space  ecological aesthetic  natural plant community  ecosystem service
QIU Yeshan,CHE Shengquan.Construction Strategies for Urban Ecological Green Space Based on Ecological Aesthetic[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2022, 29(7):37-43.