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孔繁恩, 刘海龙
关键词:  风景园林  青海地区  水文化遗产  水域文化景观  生态智慧
An Exploration on Ecological Wisdom of “Water Cultural Heritage” in Qinghai from the Perspective of Human-Water Relationship
KONG Fanen, LIU Hailong
Tsinghua University
Reviewing the characteristics and ecological wisdom of “water cultural heritage” in Qinghai from the perspective of human-water relationship is of great significance in promoting ecological protection and inheritance and development of traditional water culture in Qinghai. Based on literature document and field studies, this research summarizes the basic types and overall characteristics of “water cultural heritage” in Qinghai. It attempts to extract the ecological wisdom contained in regional “water cultural heritage” through the long-term interaction between local residents and natural water-cycling system. Additionally, the research points out the significance and value of Tibetan traditional nomadic culture and religious belief to the water cultural landscape in Qinghai. It proposes that, under the contemporary background of prominent global climate change and water security issues, developing and practicing a new ecological wisdom system is the critical strategy for successful conserving “water cultural heritage” in Qinghai.
Key words:  landscape architecture  Qinghai  water cultural heritage  water cultural landscape  ecological wisdom
KONG Fanen,LIU Hailong.An Exploration on Ecological Wisdom of “Water Cultural Heritage” in Qinghai from the Perspective of Human-Water Relationship[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2022, 29(7):44-50.