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李雨馨, 李嘉妮, 许凡
关键词:  世界文化遗产  黄石矿冶工业遗产  突出普遍价值(OUV)  文化景观  工业遗产  价值特征
Applicable Criteria for Outstanding Universal Value and Components of Huangshi Mining and Metallurgical Industrial Heritage in the World Cultural Heritage View
LI Yuxin, LI Jiani, XU Fan
Chinese Academy of Cultural Heritage
In order to further deepen the recognition of the outstanding universal value (OUV) of Huangshi Mining and Metallurgical Industrial Heritage, this research refers to the practice in preparing world heritage nomination dossier and the value evaluation system for industrial heritage and world heritage and the research method in the view of cultural landscape to review and refine the content framework of Huangshi Mining and Metallurgical Industrial Heritage from the three aspects of analysis framework of World Heritage List, heritage components and applicable criteria to put forward a heritage component framework composed of production facility remains, social life remains and related derivative remains as well as relevant new nomination strategies. The authors believe that Huangshi Mining and Metallurgical Industrial Heritage can be deemed as a special industrial landscape that supplement the types of industrial heritage in the Asian-Pacific region included in World Heritage List, which forms a series of characteristic heritage sites, derived from interaction between technical improvement and social context in a grand temporal and spatial vision, to express a kind of regional characteristic featuring the integration between human and natural resources, social governance and state operation thus becoming a new type of cultural heritage with high nomination potential in the field of world heritage practice.
Key words:  world cultural heritage  Huangshi Mining and Metallurgical Industrial Heritage  outstanding universal value (OUV)  cultural landscape  industrial heritage  attributes
LI Yuxin,LI Jiani,XU Fan.Applicable Criteria for Outstanding Universal Value and Components of Huangshi Mining and Metallurgical Industrial Heritage in the World Cultural Heritage View[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2022, 29(7):67-72.