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石渠, 李雄
气候变化是21世纪人类面临的最紧迫挑战之一。绿色基础设施作为自然生命支持系统,是应对气候变化风险的重要措施。从Web of Science核心数据库中选取2000—2020年发表的以“气候变化”和“绿色基础设施”为主题的文献,运用文献计量和数据可视化的方法对气候变化背景下绿色基础设施的研究进展和热点前沿进行分析。结果表明:1)相关研究经历了21世纪初期的缓慢发展后,2014年后进入快速上升阶段;2)相关研究通过初期的理论和实践提高了人们对绿色基础设施与气候变化关联度的认知,正在逐步向低碳化的减缓途径、韧性化的适应对策、效益化的可持续发展等多维度拓展;3)基于自然的解决方案(NbS)已经成为后续研究的重要领域。从统筹应对气候变化的新行动、拓宽人与气候关系的新认知、开辟持续低碳发展的新路径3个方面对未来研究进行展望,可为相关研究提供参考与借鉴。
关键词:  风景园林  气候变化  绿色基础设施  减缓与适应  极端天气气候事件  基于自然的解决方案(NbS)
基金项目:住房和城乡建设部研究开发项目(编号 2020-K-057)
Research Progress and Frontiers of Green Infrastructure Under the Background of Climate Change
SHI Qu, LI Xiong
Beijing Forestry University
Climate change is one of humanity’s most pressing challenges in the 21st century. As a natural life support system, green infrastructure is an important measure to respond to the risks of climate change. Selecting literatures on the theme of “climate change” or “green infrastructure” that are published during the period from 2000 to 2020 and included in the core database of Web of Science, this research, by virtue of using bibliometric and data visualization methods, analyzes the research progress and frontiers of green infrastructure under the background of climate change. Research results show that: 1) after a slow development in the early 21st century, relevant researches have achieved rapid development since 2014; 2) relevant researches have improved the people’s cognition of the correlation between green infrastructure and climate change through preliminary theory and practice, and are now gradually expanding in multiple dimensions such as low-carbon mitigation routes, resilient adaptation countermeasures and beneficial sustainable development; 3) Nature-based Solutions (NbS) will be an important field of research in the future. This research proposes that future researches should consider the three aspects of coordinating new actions to respond to climate change, broadening the new cognition of the relationship between human and climate, and breaking a new path of sustainable low-carbon development, which can provide reference for relevant researches.
Key words:  landscape architecture  climate change  green infrastructure  mitigation and adaptation  extreme weather and climate event  Nature-based Solutions (NbS)
SHI Qu,LI Xiong.Research Progress and Frontiers of Green Infrastructure Under the Background of Climate Change[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2022, 29(7):73-79.