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李丹宁, 刘东云, 王鑫
关键词:  城市热岛(UHI)效应  硬质景观  凉爽材料  遮阴降温  蒸发冷却
基金项目:北京林业大学科技创新计划(编号 2021ZY35)
A Review of Research on Hard Landscape Design Methods to Mitigate Urban Heat Island Effect
LI Danning, LIU Dongyun, WANG Xin
Beijing Forestry University
Characterized by high surface temperature and large sensible heat flux, urban hard landscape has a certain negative impact on urban microclimate conditions, overall quality of green space, and recreational quality and thermal comfort of residents, thus aggravating urban heat island (UHI) effect to some extent. Therefore, it is of vital importance to optimize the the design of hard urban landscape. Based on the combing of relevant literature, this research systematically reviews relevant research at home and abroad in recent years. It summarizes four hard landscape design methods to reduce the adverse impacts of UHI effect, including space geometry design, adoption of cool materials, collocation with soft landscape and external mechanical cooling. In addition, the research discusses the cooling mechanism, applicable environmental conditions, current research defects and future development direction of the above methods, aiming to clarify the research progress of the thermal effect of hard landscape, and provide reference for the improvement of urban microclimate environment and the design of sustainable urban landscape.
Key words:  urban heat island (UHI) effect  hard landscape  cool materials  cooling by shading  evaporative cooling
LI Danning,LIU Dongyun,WANG Xin.A Review of Research on Hard Landscape Design Methods to Mitigate Urban Heat Island Effect[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2022, 29(8):71-78.