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郝石盟, 王晨, 侯锐, 张一嵩
近年来快速发展的虚拟现实(VR)技术为疗愈环境的研究和应用提供了技术支撑,访问虚拟疗愈环境成为获得身心疗愈的一种途径。以Web of Science、ScienceDirect数据库和中国知网为依据,对2010—2022年发表的与虚拟疗愈环境领域相关的文献进行综述,系统梳理了虚拟疗愈环境的应用领域和呈现技术、疗愈效益的评价工具及影响因素。研究发现:1)虚拟疗愈环境在情绪干预、认知训练、运动康复等领域具有疗愈效益,疗愈场景一般包括虚拟自然景观、亲生物性环境等;2)虚拟疗愈环境的呈现技术可分为头戴式设备(HMD)和交互媒体界面2类;3)主观感知量表结合多种类型的生理指标是实证研究中常用的疗愈效益评价工具;4)除疗愈场景内容外,多感官因素和交互方式也是影响疗愈效益的重要因素。通过探讨目前实证研究中的局限性,为今后虚拟自然的恢复性效益、亲生物性环境设计等领域的研究和实践提供参考。
关键词:  疗愈环境  虚拟现实  康复景观  健康建筑  情绪干预  亲生物性设计
基金项目:国家自然科学基金青年科学基金(编号 52108004);教育部人文社会科学研究青年基金项目(编号 20YJCZH041)
Research Progress in Virtual Healing Environments and Healing Benefits Thereof
HAO Shimeng, WANG Chen, HOU Rui, ZHANG Yisong
Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Architecture
The rapid development of virtual reality (VR) technology in recent years has provided technical support for the research and application of healing environments, and access to virtual healing environments has become a way to obtain physical and mental healing. Based on the Web of Science, ScienceDirect database and CNKI, this research reviews the literature published in the field of virtual healing environments from 2010 to 2022, and systematically combs the application fields and presentation technologies, healing benefit evaluation tools and influencing factors of virtual healing environments. Research results show that: 1) virtual healing environments have healing effects in such fields as emotional intervention, cognitive training and sports rehabilitation, and healing scenarios generally include virtual natural landscape, biophilic environments, etc.; 2) virtual healing environments can be divided into two categories by presentation technologies: head-mounted devices (HMD) and interactive media interfaces; 3) the combination of subjective perception scales and various types of physiological indicators are commonly used tools in empirical researches to evaluate healing benefits; 4) in addition to the content of healing scenarios, multisensory factors and interactive modes are also important factors influencing healing benefits. This research can, through discussing the limitations in current empirical researches, provide a reference for future research and practice in such fields as restorative benefits of virtual nature and biophilic environment design.
Key words:  healing environment  virtual reality (VR)  rehabilitation landscape  healthy building  emotional intervention  biophilic design
HAO Shimeng,WANG Chen,HOU Rui,ZHANG Yisong.Research Progress in Virtual Healing Environments and Healing Benefits Thereof[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2022, 29(8):79-85.