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张洋1, 葛梦婷2, 董孟斌3, 沈熙为4
关键词:  风景园林  数字技术  人机交互  景观感知  景观体验  交互景观
The Influence of Human-Computer Interaction on Landscape Perception in the Digital Context
ZHANG Yang1, GE Mengting2, DONG Mengbin3, SHEN Xiwei4
1.Shanghai Jiao Tong University;2.Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University;3.Zibo Municipal Public Utilities Service Center;4.University of Nevada, US
In the digital age, human-computer interaction is constantly revolutionizing how we interact with our environment, allowing us to perceive landscape in an unprecedented way. In order to systematically clarify how human-computer interaction affects landscape perception, this research firstly analyzes the influence of human-computer interaction on the way people think and act and on people’s experience needs. Secondly, based on the acting media and mechanism of human-computer interaction, the research proposes the influence of human-computer interaction on landscape perception from the following four dimensions: expansion of the scope of spatial information through multi-source data (perception dimension); enhancement of multi-source data expanded through multi-channel interaction (perception mode); enhancement of dynamic response process through real-time calculation (perception process); triggering of emotion feedback through emotion calculation (perception effect). Finally, the research discusses the opportunities that human-computer interaction can bring for landscape perception in the future in the context of new information technology, new interaction mode, new intelligent feedback and new emotion trigger, to providing reference for the expansion and design innovation of the research direction of landscape architecture.
Key words:  landscape architecture  digital technology  human-computer interaction  landscape perception  landscape experience  interaction landscape
ZHANG Yang,GE Mengting,DONG Mengbin,SHEN Xiwei.The Influence of Human-Computer Interaction on Landscape Perception in the Digital Context[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2022, 29(9):48-54.