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叶宇, 张塨, 韩赟
关键词:  多源数据  循证技术  建成环境审计  可穿戴传感器  临港新城
基金项目:国家自然科学基金(编号 52078343);上海市自然科学基金面上项目(编号 20ZR1462200);中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金(编号 22120210540)
Built Environment Auditing Based on Multi-source Data and Embodied Evidence-Based Technology: A Case Study of Dishui Lake Station Square in Shanghai Lingang New City
YE Yu, ZHAN Gong, HAN Yun
Tongji University
The emergence of multi-source data and embodied evidence-based technologies in recent years has made it possible to combine big and small data for accurate auditing of built environment. Taking the Dishui Lake Station Square in Shanghai Lingang New City as an example, this research, in view of the problems and needs regarding infrastructure, public space quality, place vitality and urban imageability, constructs an innovative and systematic technical framework that is people-oriented, and conducts built environment auditing of the research area from the following three aspects: visitor portraits, behavioral activities and spatial perception. The research analyzes visitor portraits and function needs in combination with relevant data on location based services (LBS), card swiping for public transportation, point of interest (POI) and Meituan; discovers how people use spaces based on drone aerial imagery and space syntax analysis; and conducts dynamic monitoring of human physiological information based on eye-tracking technology and wearable sensor. On this basis, the research finally proposes the design intervention strategy for the renewal of Shanghai Lingang New City from the three aspects of functional elements, spatial form elements, and human-scale landscape elements. This technical framework is expected to provide support for the accurate improvement and design control of built environment quality.
Key words:  multi-source data  evidence-based technology  built environment auditing  wearable sensor  Lingang New City
YE Yu,ZHAN Gong,HAN Yun.Built Environment Auditing Based on Multi-source Data and Embodied Evidence-Based Technology: A Case Study of Dishui Lake Station Square in Shanghai Lingang New City[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2022, 29(9):55-61.