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何梦瑶, 赵纪军
关键词:  中国现代风景园林  近现代  现代化  历史进程  历史分期
Research on the Historical Phases of Chinese Modern Landscape Architecture
HE Mengyao, ZHAO Jijun
Huazhong University of Science and Technology
The division of the historical phases of Chinese modern landscape architecture is a necessary basis for understanding the development law of and evaluating the lessons learned from Chinese modern landscape architecture. It can promote the historical understanding of and critical reflection on the development of the discipline and industry of landscape architecture in China. However, the current division of the historical phases is largely based on the time nodes of national political, social and economic events, thus entailing more rigorous academic discrimination. Through interpretation of historical materials, case studies and comparative analysis, this research makes a comprehensive review of the development of Chinese modern landscape architecture, especially key historical nodes thereof, with “modernization” being considered as the main line of value judgment, and the interactive process of policy background, disciplinary education and professional practice the fundamental basis. On this basis, the research establishes crucial marks of the historical phases, further understands the connotation and significance of landscape architecture in some key historical nodes of national development such as the years 1949, 1953 and 1958, demonstrates and establishes some key historical nodes with inheritance and transition significance for Chinese modern landscape architecture, such as the years of 1984, 1992 and 2011, and sums up the enlightenment from, reflection on and the prospect of the historical phases of Chinese modern landscape architecture.
Key words:  Chinese modern landscape architecture  modern times  modernization  historical process  historical phases
HE Mengyao,ZHAO Jijun.Research on the Historical Phases of Chinese Modern Landscape Architecture[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2022, 29(9):76-83.