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贾绿媛, 林箐, 王向荣, 张诗阳
关键词:  采石废弃地  植被修复  生态修复  景观营建  风景园林学
基金项目:自然资源部国土空间规划局国土空间规划体系重大问题补充研究课题之“新发展阶段的国土空间格局研究”子项 10—建设更具自然价值和文化特色的国土空间实施策略(编号 TC2101050/10)
Vegetation Restoration Strategies for Abandoned Quarry from the Perspective of Landscape Architecture
JIA Lyuyuan, LIN Qing, WANG Xiangrong, ZHANG Shiyang
Beijing Forestry University
With the development of urban construction, more abandoned quarries are restored into urban green spaces. There is an urgent need to study the vegetation restoration of abandoned quarry from the perspective of landscape architecture. This research analyzes the characteristics and shortcomings of vegetation restoration technologies for abandoned quarry based on land reclamation at the present stage, interprets the value of abandoned quarry from the perspective of landscape architecture, and proposes relevant restoration principles. In combination with the landscape restoration cases of abandoned quarries at home and abroad, it summarizes relevant strategies and methods for vegetation restoration that are suitable for landscape construction. Moreover, the research puts forward 15 vegetation restoration strategies respectively targeting cliffs, side slopes, pits and other disturbed wastelands in abandoned quarries, points out their technical, landscape and economic characteristics, indicates the selection basis of these strategies and the multidisciplinary techniques and measures required in the restoration process. Research results can provide a reference for future landscape restoration of the abandoned quarries.
Key words:  abandoned quarry  vegetation restoration  ecological restoration  landscape construction  landscape architecture
JIA Lyuyuan,LIN Qing,WANG Xiangrong,ZHANG Shiyang.Vegetation Restoration Strategies for Abandoned Quarry from the Perspective of Landscape Architecture[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2022, 29(9):84-91.