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王云才, 李烨, 盛硕
历史性河流廊道是社会生态系统的组成部分,识别其历史文化景观(historic cultural landscape, HCL)的服务水平,划定HCL服务供给的空间范围并提供分区管控策略,对当代社会城市规划具有重要意义。以富春江历史性河流廊道为例,以诗词文本为数据源,构建HCL总量历时性数据模型评价HCL总量;并在长时间序列视角下,以makima函数外插预测HCL服务值,通过HCL潜力模型估算HCL潜力。在此基础上,使用“总量-潜力”分布模型将研究区域划分为4种空间类型,并结合HCL的3项指标进行时序分析,提出分区管控策略。结果表明,富春江历史性河流廊道可分为:高总量-高潜力的核心区、高总量-低潜力的保护区、低总量-高潜力的更新区和低总量-低潜力的补充区。富春江历史性河流廊道HCL供给总体水平最高的空间集中在严子陵钓台、七里泷和桐君山周围的沿江区域。基于长时间序列视角,从HCL总量与潜力2个维度出发,构建HCL服务供给空间识别、预测与分类方法,为历史性河流廊道的HCL保护管理提供了明确、普适性的技术途径。
关键词:  风景园林  历史文化景观  生态系统文化服务  生态系统服务评估  历史性河流廊道  时序分析  外插预测  “总量 - 潜力”分布模型
基金项目:国家自然科学基金(编号 51978479)
Historic Cultural Landscape Service Evaluation and Zoning Management Strategy Based on Poetry Text: A Case Study of Fuchunjiang Historic River Corridor
WANG Yuncai, LI Ye, SHENG Shuo
Tongji University
Historic river corridor is an important part of social ecosystem. It is of great significance for urban planning in contemporary society to identify the HCL (historic cultural landscape) service level of historic river corridors, and to delimit the spatial scope of and provide zoning management strategies for HCL services provided by historic river corridors. Taking Fuchunjiang historic river corridor as an example, this research constructs a diachronic data model to evaluate the total of HCL based on poetry text and, from the perspective of long time-series, predicts the service value of HCL through makima function extrapolation, and estimates the potential of HCL through HCL potential model. On this basis, the research areas are divided into four spatial types using the “total-potential” distribution model, and provides zoning management strategies in combination with the time-series analysis results of three HCL indicators. The results show that Fuchunjiang historic river corridor can be divided into the following four areas: core area with high total and high potential, protection area with high total and low potential, renewal area with low total and high potential, and supplementary area with low total and low potential. In Fuchunjiang historic river corridor, the spaces with the highest general level of HCL supply are concentrated in the riverside areas around Yan Ziling Fishing Platform, Qililong River and Tongjun Mountain. From the perspective of long time-series, the research develops relevant methods for identifying, predicting and classifying HCL service supply spaces from the two dimensions of HCL total and potential, providing a clear and repeatable technical path for HCL protection and management of historic river corridors.
Key words:  landscape architecture  historic cultural landscape (HCL)  cultural ecosystem services  ecosystem service assessment  historic river corridor  time-series analysis  extrapolation prediction  “total-potential” distribution model
WANG Yuncai,LI Ye,SHENG Shuo.Historic Cultural Landscape Service Evaluation and Zoning Management Strategy Based on Poetry Text: A Case Study of Fuchunjiang Historic River Corridor[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2022, 29(10):12-19.