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岳邦瑞, 钱芝弘
关键词:  风景园林  景观规划  生态系统服务  权衡与协同  形成机制
基金项目:国家自然科学基金(编号 51578437);宁夏回族自治区重点研发计划重大(重点)项目(编号 2019BBF02014);西安市社会科学规划基金(编号 22JX76)
Formation Mechanism of Trade-offs and Synergies Between Ecosystem Services and Application in Landscape Planning
YUE Bangrui, QIAN Zhihong
Xi’an University of Architecture and Technology
Landscape planners often face the realistic need to coordinate the trade-offs and synergies between multiple ecosystem services (ESs) in a specific area, but the research on how to apply the research on trade-offs and synergies between ESs and the mechanism thereof to landscape planning is still insufficient. In view of this, this research firstly reviews the research progress of the trade-offs and synergies between ESs at home and abroad, reveals the mechanism thereof from the two aspects of formation basis and change motivation, and sorts out the methods and progress of mechanism research. Then, taking 3 types of landscape planning projects as examples, this research analyzes the trade-offs and synergies between ESs and the role that mechanism research can play therein, and explores the way to apply them to landscape planning in combination with research cases. The research on the trade-offs and synergies between ESs and the mechanism thereof can provide important information in landscape planning for reducing trade-offs and improving synergies between ESs, such information can: 1) guide the distribution of ESs objectives in ecological function zoning; 2) guide the proposal of spatial network optimization plan in ecological infrastructure planning; 3) guide the identification of key restoration areas and the proposal of restoration strategies in ecological restoration planning. Finally, the research proposes to carry out research oriented at planning practice, strengthen cooperation and exchanges between disciplines, improve research methods, and explore an efficient way to integrate multiple research results, so as to more properly apply the research results of the trade-offs and synergies between ESs and the mechanism thereof to landscape planning.
Key words:  landscape architecture  landscape planning  ecosystem services (ESs)  trade-offs and synergies  formation mechanism
YUE Bangrui,QIAN Zhihong.Formation Mechanism of Trade-offs and Synergies Between Ecosystem Services and Application in Landscape Planning[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2022, 29(10):20-25.