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杜新存1, 李方正2
绿色暴露与健康服务联系紧密,是促进健康服务的重要一环。基于Web of Science和中国知网数据库,对现有研究成果进行了总结,以健康服务中环境服务与个体健康为研究重点,总结绿色暴露相关指标,研究其促进健康服务的机制,讨论绿色暴露影响健康服务的现实指导意义。不仅总结了绿色暴露促进健康服务的静态指标,还关注了绿色暴露的动态指标,更精细化地反映人在一定时间内绿色暴露状态的动态变化,更充分地表达绿色暴露与人的密切关系。
关键词:  绿色暴露  健康服务  静态指标  动态指标  影响路径
基金项目:国家自然科学基金(编号 51908036)
A Review of Research on Green Exposure as an Assessment Indicator and Mechanism for Health Services Promotion
DU Xincun1, LI Fangzheng2
1.University of California, Berkeley;2.Beijing Forestry University
Green exposure is closely linked to health services and is an important part of health service promotion. Based on Web of Science and CNKI core database, this paper summarizes the existing research results, focusing on environmental services and individual health in health services, summarizes green exposure-related indicators, studies its mechanism of promoting health services, and discusses the practical guidance significance of green exposure influencing health services. This paper not only summarizes the static indicators of green exposure promoting health services, but also focuses on the dynamic indicators of green exposure, reflecting more finely the dynamic changes of green exposure status of people in a certain period of time and expressing more fully the close relationship between green exposure and people.
Key words:  green exposure  health services  static indicator  dynamic indicator  impact path
DU Xincun,LI Fangzheng.A Review of Research on Green Exposure as an Assessment Indicator and Mechanism for Health Services Promotion[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2022, 29(10):26-31.