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肖华斌, 郭妍馨, 王玥, 吴扬睿
关键词:  生态系统服务流  空间制图  情景模拟  评估方法  服务路径属性网络模型
基金项目:山东省高等学校青创科技支持计划(编号 2020KJG004);济南市哲学社会科学重大课题(编号 JNSK21A03);国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目(编号 51908332)
From Utility Assessment to Process Measurement: Progress in Research on Ecosystem Services Flow
XIAO Huabin, GUO Yanxin, WANG Yue, WU Yangrui
Shandong Jianzhu University
It is typically difficult to characterize the imbalance and spatial heterogeneity of ecosystem service supply and demand. The research on ecosystem services flow can effectively characterize the cascade structure and horizontal process of ecosystem services featured by “supply-flow-demand”. On the basis of clarifying the connotation of related concepts, the research firstly analyzes the basic characteristics of ecosystem services flow from the perspective of spatial relationship and scale effect. Then, it clarifies the process of ecosystem services flow from the perspective of influencing factors and trade-off synergy. After that, it combs the evaluation methods for ecosystem services flow from the perspectives of biophysics, economic benefits and social culture. Finally, the research summarizes the spatial mapping methods and models for ecosystem services flow from the perspectives of supply-demand and flow and scenario simulation, figuring out that it is an important research direction in the future to achieve dynamic quantification and path simulation of ecosystem services flow by service path attribution networks (SPANs) model. The research on ecosystem services flow has undergone a transformation from the utility evaluation of ecosystem service supply and demand to the measurement simulation of the whole flow process, which not only deepens the understanding of ecosystem services flow transmission mechanism, but also makes the accurate identification and optimization of ecosystem services flow space widely used in landscape planning and design.
Key words:  ecosystem services flow  spatial mapping  scenario simulation  evaluation method  service path attribution networks (SPANs) model
XIAO Huabin,GUO Yanxin,WANG Yue,WU Yangrui.From Utility Assessment to Process Measurement: Progress in Research on Ecosystem Services Flow[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2022, 29(10):32-37.