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蒙小英, 边紫琳, 陈远方
城区铁路廊道两侧的防护绿地长期处于废弃状态,而正在运营的铁路线路为城市储备了大量的防护绿地。在满足隔音、防护功能的前提下,探究铁路廊道绿地为沿线城市空间提供生态系统文化服务(CES)的潜力和机会。以北京中心城区内京广高速铁路、京广普速铁路两侧绿地为研究对象,以铁路线两侧1 km的城市空间为范围,在现有研究基础上,建立铁路廊道绿地CES供应的研究框架,包括供应潜力和供应机会两方面。研究认为:1)现存的景观要素可以转化为植物、水体、游憩活动、场地与交通、管理与维护5类,待补充要素主要集中在设施的完善与后期管理与维护方面,提出“识别-转化与补充-供应”的途径;2)研究区内西三环至西五环之间是沿线CES供应机会较高区域,园博园以南区域供应机会一般,研究范围东侧边界至西三环和园博园区域CES供应机会较低。基于以上结果,提出铁路廊道绿地供应CES功能的具体建议。城区铁路廊道绿地CES供应潜力和机会研究是中观尺度下CES功能的空间化研究,其定量化的研究将为沿线交通空间的精细化治理提供基础资料和理论指导。
关键词:  生态系统文化服务  CES 供应潜力  CES 供应机会  铁路廊道绿地  交通可达性  开放空间  人口密度
基金项目:国家自然科学基金(编号 52078026)
Culture Ecosystem Services Supply Potential and Opportunities of BeijingGuangzhou Railway Corridor Green Spaces in Beijing’s Central Urban Are
MENG Xiaoying, BIAN Zilin, CHEN Yuanfang
Beijing Jiaotong University
The protective green spaces on both sides of urban railway corridors have been abandoned for a long time, while railway lines in operation have reserved a large quantity of protective green spaces for cities. This research aims to, under the premise of satisfying the requirements for sound insulation and protection functions, explore the potential and opportunities of railway corridor green spaces to provide cultural ecosystem services (CES) for urban spaces along railway corridors. Taking green spaces on both sides of the Beijing-Guangzhou Railway (high-speed) and Beijing-Guangzhou Railway (general-speed) in the central urban area of Beijing as research objects, and urban spaces extending 1 km on both sides of the aforesaid railway lines as research scope, this research establishes a research framework for CES supply by railway green corridor based on existing Researches, including both CES supply potential (CSP) and CES supply opportunity (CSO). The research believes that: 1) existing landscape elements can be transformed into the five categories of plants, water bodies, recreational activities, site and traffic, and management and maintenance, meanwhile the elements to be supplemented mainly focus on the improvement of facilities and final-period management and maintenance, for which the approach of “identification-transformation and supplement-supply” is put forward; 2) within the research scope, CSO along railway corridor is relatively high in the area extending from the West 3rd Ring Road to the West 5th Ring Road, medium in the area located south of the Beijing Garden Expo, and relatively low in the area extending from the eastern boundary to the West 3rd Ring Road and the Beijing Garden Expo area. Based on the above results, the research puts forward specific suggestions for CES supply by railway corridor green spaces. The research on CSP and CSO of railway corridor green spaces is a quantitative spatial research on CES functions at the mesoscale, which will provide basic materials and theoretical reference for fine governance of traffic spaces along railway lines.
Key words:  cultural ecosystem services (CES)  CES supply potential (CSP)  CES supply opportunity (CSO)  railway corridor green space  traffic accessibility  open space  population density
MENG Xiaoying,BIAN Zilin,CHEN Yuanfang.Culture Ecosystem Services Supply Potential and Opportunities of BeijingGuangzhou Railway Corridor Green Spaces in Beijing’s Central Urban Are[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2022, 29(10):38-44.