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王睿1, 朱玲2
关键词:  近自然  城市河岸带  草本植物群落  空间结构  物候动态  生态系统服务功能
基金项目:国家自然科学基金(编号 52078307);辽宁省社会科学规划基金(编号 L20BGL007)
Approach of Experimental Research on Construction of Herbaceous Plant Community in Urban Riparian Zone Under the Concept of Close-to-Nature
WANG Rui1, ZHU Ling2
1.Shenyang Jianzhu University;2.Tianjin University
Urban riparian zone is a category of ecological space where land and water interact. As an important vegetation type in urban riparian zone, herbaceous plants can provide important support for microclimate regulation, carbon-oxygen cycle driving, biodiversity improvement and other ecosystem services. At present, the sustainability and functionality of herbaceous plant community in urban riparian zone are poor due to the bottleneck in the construction of artificial herbaceous plant community. This research defines the close-to-nature goal orientation through interpreting the influencing mechanism of herbaceous plant community on the ecosystem service function of urban riparian zone and, through analyzing the connotation of the concept of close-to-nature, summarizes the construction methods for herbaceous plant community in urban riparian zone as follows: 1) selecting plant species with high adaptability; 2) planting a variety of symbiotic plants; 3) designing and deducing the spatial multi-layer structure of herbaceous plant community; 4) designing and deducing the dynamic changes of community phenology. Taking the Hunhe River in Shenyang as an example, the research preliminarily proposes an experimental research approach and specific operation methods for the construction of herbaceous plant community in urban riparian zone, in hope of providing theoretical reference for the improvement of ecosystem service function and construction of sustainable herbaceous plant community in urban riparian zones and waterfront green spaces in China.
Key words:  close-to-nature  urban riparian zone  herbaceous plant community  spatial structure  phenological dynamic  ecosystem services function
WANG Rui,ZHU Ling.Approach of Experimental Research on Construction of Herbaceous Plant Community in Urban Riparian Zone Under the Concept of Close-to-Nature[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2022, 29(10):102-108.