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赵兮, 李正
关键词:  风景园林  中国城市山地  景观规划  山地保护  立法  界线划定
基金项目:中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金(编号 BLX201710);国家自然科学基金(编号 31800607)
Boundary Delineation Patterns in Mountain Landscape Protection Planning and Legislation of Chinese Cities from 2000 to 2021
ZHAO Xi, LI Zheng
Beijing Forestry University
With the agglomeration and growth of global population, mountain landscape in areas of rapid urbanization is changing with the production and life of local citizens, so countries around the world have adopted such means as protection planning and legislation to protect landscape features and ecology. Existing researches have revealed the breadth and depth of relevant practice from four perspectives, but have not yet systematically explored how to delineate the protection boundary of mountain landscape. Taking contemporary cities in mainland China as research objects and based on content analysis and spatial mapping, this research compares 76 mountain landscape conservation plans or ordinances from 60 cities to identify relevant protection boundary delineation patterns from the following three aspects: delineation of the protection boundary of mountain areas as a whole; definition of the regulation intensity within mountain areas; delineation of regulation boundary around mountain areas. The research finds that: 1) the above cities are mainly located in low-altitude areas in East China, but there is no obvious regional aggregation in their mountain landscape protection boundary delineation patterns; 2) in these cities, the protection scope of mountain landscape is delineated mainly based on geomorphological characteristic factors such as slope, absolute elevation, relative elevation and ridge, subject to rectification according to relevant economic and social factors such as administrative division, regulation zoning, specific land use type and location, field of view and qualitative conditions. By systematically summarizing regional and national mountain landscape protection and boundary delimitation issues, the research can provide reference for related issues in China and even other parts of the world.
Key words:  landscape architecture  Chinese city mountain  landscape planning  mountain protection  legislation  boundary delineation
ZHAO Xi,LI Zheng.Boundary Delineation Patterns in Mountain Landscape Protection Planning and Legislation of Chinese Cities from 2000 to 2021[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2022, 29(11):111-117.