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曾颖, 单愉惟
关键词:  风景园林  剖切  场地  地形  身体感知  教学
基金项目:2020 年度国家社会科学基金艺术学项目(编号 20BG139)
The Power of Section: Recognition and Expression of Natural Sites
ZENG Ying, SHAN Yuwei
China Academy of Art
Section is of huge potential for site exploration. From Humboldt’s “Naturgemälde” in 1807, to Scottish planner Geddes’s “Valley Section” in 1909, and to a series of innovative practice of Anurandha (a professor in the University of Pennsylvania) in section research, global scholars have been working on the exploration of section. However, for teachers of landscape architecture, it is quite challenging, by virtue of section, to guide students to recognize natural sites, think about the correlation between the natural attributes of natural sites and social relations, and to cultivate a cross-scale mindset. Taking the basic specialized courses in the Department of Landscape Architecture, School of Architecture, China Academy of Art as an example, this research deepens students’ understanding of natural sites through a series of site teaching with “section” as the core in Meijiawu. It is found that field measurement, observation and analysis based on physical perception and consciousness, and visual research associating site terrain and vegetation with physical perception can greatly contribute to site recognition. On this basis, the research explores the ecological practical wisdom in dealing with terrain, land and soil issues involved in natural sites, in hope of providing reference for the education of landscape architecture in China.
Key words:  landscape architecture  section  site  terrain  body perception  teaching
ZENG Ying,SHAN Yuwei.The Power of Section: Recognition and Expression of Natural Sites[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2022, 29(11):118-123.