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李梦一欣1, 黄琦2, (德)朱利安·舍费尔2
关键词:  城市绿色开放空间  蓝绿空间  绿色结构  质性分析  绿色结构分析法
基金项目:北京建筑大学市属高校基本科研业务费专项资金(编号 X20029)
Qualitative Analytical Method for Urban Green Open Space Structure in Germany
LI Mengyixin1, HUANG Qi2, (GER) Schäfer Julian2
1.Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Architecture;2.Technical University of Munich
Given the growing demand for green, low-carbon and sustainable urban spatial development, it is imperative for landscape architects to explore the system of urban green open space and the dynamic relationship between various spatial elements in a comprehensive and systematic way, so as to promote people’s perception and identification of blue-green spatial characteristics, and further improve the quality of human settlements. In this context, a long-term qualitative research on “green open space structure” is conducted in Germany, which emphasizes the holistic grasp and typological analysis of urban green open space based on the “analytical method for green structure”. Through literature review and qualitative analysis, this research clarifies the concept and development history of green structures in Germany, and further analyzes the complexity, diversity and local identity of such green structures from the perspectives of characteristic and attribute. By means of classification and induction, the research explains the implementation approach to green structure from the two aspects of cartography and spatial type, which lays a foundation for future empirical research. Moreover, taking Beijing as an example, the research draws on the experience of Germany to conduct a qualitative analysis of the structures and types of green open spaces in the central urban area and the Shijingshan-Yongding River area. Finally, the research summarizes the implications from the analytical method for green space in Germany and the qualitative research thereon for the sustainable development of urban open spaces in China from the following three dimensions: epistemology, methodology and information visualization.
Key words:  urban green open space  blue-green space  green structure  qualitative analysis  analytical method for green structure
LI Mengyixin,HUANG Qi,(GER) Schäfer Julian.Qualitative Analytical Method for Urban Green Open Space Structure in Germany[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2022, 29(12):12-19.