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熊亮, 王晓迪
随着对人类-环境耦合系统的深入认识,空间发展和治理进入了强调多时空尺度、跨组织分层的新阶段;在领土开发和治理的过程中,对蓝绿基础设施(blue-green infrastructure, BGI)的概念认知和构建方法提出新要求。为了理解和识别多尺度蓝绿系统耦合关系的发展与变化,提出复杂适应性系统视角下国土空间规划设计的跨尺度图析方法,结合多尺度空间数据与形态类型学,剖析和比较景观基底、基础网络、聚落发展3个层面之间的空间关系。以粤港澳大湾区为例,采用跨尺度图析方法识别并呈现BGI发展过程,揭示各个时期BGI在组成、格局和尺度上的发展规律,提出在国土空间发展、治理尺度和格局发生剧变的当下,BGI是延续和完善国土空间稳态的支撑,可以将上述规律应用于国土空间规划,尤其是对BGI历史格局和尺度的重现和延续,尝试构建内涵更丰富、更有韧性的BGI。
关键词:  国土空间规划设计  蓝绿基础设施  跨尺度  生态系统  粤港澳大湾区  景观
基金项目:中国国家自然科学基金委员会、荷兰科学研究组织和英国工程和自然科学研究委员会联合研究项目(编号ALWSD 2016.013可持续三角洲项目);中国国家留学基金管理委员会国家建设高水平大学公派研究生项目(编号 2009601067)
Cross-Scale Mapping of Blue-Green Infrastructure: A Case Study of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area
XIONG Liang, WANG Xiaodi
China Agricultural University
The deepening understanding of coupled human and natural systems demands a rethink in the concept and construction methods of blue-green infrastructure (BGI) during spatial development and governance. Aiming to understand and identify the development and change of the coupling relationship among multi-scale blue-green systems, this research introduces a cross-scale mapping method for territorial spatial planning and design. From the perspective of complex adaptive systems, it analyzes and compares the spatial relationship between landscape substratum, infrastructure networks, and human settlements with multiple-scale spatial data and morpho-typological knowledge. Taking the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area as an example, the research adopts the aforesaid cross-scale mapping method to identify and present the BGI development process, and accordingly reveal the development laws of BGI in such aspects as composition, pattern, and scale in different periods. On this basis, the research argues that the study of the development laws, especially those in the representation and continuation of the historical pattern and scale, allows a more resilient BGI with richer connotations to continue and improve the stable state of the territory, despite the dramatic changes in both the scale and pattern of spatial development and governance.
Key words:  territorial spatial planning and design  blue-green infrastructure (BGI)  cross-scale  ecosystem  Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area  landscape
XIONG Liang,WANG Xiaodi.Cross-Scale Mapping of Blue-Green Infrastructure: A Case Study of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2022, 29(12):20-26.