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王敏1, 宋昊洋1, 朱雯2, 汪洁琼1
城市水网空间是典型的蓝绿耦合空间,大多面临蓝绿空间结构失衡、与城市腹地缺少互动、人工干预措施低效三大问题。如何构建多目标集成的蓝绿生态空间,高效修复退化受损的城市水网空间,积极回应经济、社会、环境等各方空间诉求,成为国土空间规划背景下城市水网空间生态修复亟待解决的问题。在基于自然的解决方案(Nature-based Solutions, NbS)理念的启发下,选取江苏省太仓市为研究对象,基于压力-状态-响应(pressure-state-response, PSR)模型,在河段尺度下进行近自然整体生态指标评价,从自然环境、社会发展两方面构建评价方法,构建城市水网空间的近自然修复规划框架。并在宏观尺度“蓝绿耦合”,协调构建“三横三纵多点”的整体生态格局;在中观尺度“以蓝养绿”,提出5类河段空间发展引导策略;在微观尺度“以绿愈蓝”,引导重点地块近自然修复。研究表明,城市水网空间的近自然修复是实现蓝绿要素耦合关联、多价值协同的有效技术途径,有助于提升水网空间治理理念的全局性、治理内容的统筹性、治理方式的耦合性和治理策略的实效性。
关键词:  国土空间规划  生态修复  城市水网空间  蓝绿耦合  PSR 模型  近自然
基金项目:国家自然科学基金(编号 52178053)
Strategy and Practice for Approx-natural Restoration Planning of Urban River Network Spaces in the Context of Territorial Spatial Planning: A Case Study of Taicang City, Jiangsu Province
WANG Min1, SONG Haoyang1, ZHU Wen2, WANG Jieqiong1
1.Tongji University;2.Guangzhou Urban Planning & Design Survey Research Institute (GZPI)
As a typical blue-green coupling space, urban river network spaces mostly face three major problems: Imbalance in the structure of blue-green space, lack of interaction with urban hinterland and inefficiency of manual interventions. In the context of territorial spatial planning, it is urgent for ecological restoration of urban river network space to make sure how to build a multi-objective integrated blue-green ecological space, efficiently restore the degraded and damaged urban river network spaces, and actively respond to economic, social and environmental spatial demands. Inspired by the concept of Nature-based Solutions (NbS), this research takes Taicang City in Jiangsu Province as the research object and, based on the pressure-state-response (PSR) model, carries out the approx-natural overall ecological index evaluation at the scale of river segment, develops an evaluation model from the two aspects of natural environment and social development, and builds a planning framework for approx-natural restoration of urban river network spaces. At the macroscopic scale, the research coordinates the construction of an overall ecological pattern of “three horizontal and three vertical ecological corridors and multipoint habitat patches” following the principle of “blue-green coupling”; at the mesoscopic scale, the research proposes the guidance strategies for the spatial development of five types of river segments following the principle of “nourishing green spaces with blue spaces”; at the microscopic scale, the research guides the approx-natural restoration of key land plots following the principle of “healing blue spaces with green spaces”. The research finds that the approx-natural restoration of urban river network spaces is an effective technical approach to realize the coupling and multi-value synergy of blue and green elements, which can help improve the globality of governance concept, the integration of governance content, the coupling of governance methods and the effectiveness of governance strategies with respect to river network spaces.
Key words:  territorial spatial planning  ecological restoration  urban river network space  blue-green coupling  PSR model  approx-natural
WANG Min,SONG Haoyang,ZHU Wen,WANG Jieqiong.Strategy and Practice for Approx-natural Restoration Planning of Urban River Network Spaces in the Context of Territorial Spatial Planning: A Case Study of Taicang City, Jiangsu Province[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2022, 29(12):36-42.