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武静, 蒋卓利, 吴晓露
近年来,城市碳排放问题已成为制约城市可持续发展的关键问题,而城市蓝绿空间因其具有突出的碳汇潜力与增汇效能,在城市减排增汇中能发挥重要作用。以1992—2021年中国知网与Web of Science数据库所收录的期刊文章为数据基础,以“城市蓝绿空间”和“碳汇”为主题,运用文献计量软件统计后,对中外文文献中城市蓝绿空间的碳汇研究进展、热点前沿及发展趋势展开深入剖析。结果表明:1)中外文文献发文量逐步上升,其中中国科研机构在国际合作网络中表现较为突出;2)在城市蓝绿空间的碳汇研究领域,中文文献研究热点主要包括低碳城市、城市绿地碳汇、碳汇效益,外文文献研究热点主要包括碳汇量估算、碳汇管理和碳汇影响机制;3)中文文献研究侧重理论架构和评估体系的建立,外文文献研究则更关注方法探索和实操应用,方法类研究逐渐成为学者们共同关注的重点,并逐步向动态化且多维度的研究拓展。4)完善城市蓝绿空间碳汇研究框架,开展“双碳”目标下生物多样性、人类健康福祉等多维度研究,统筹开展城市蓝绿空间系统的碳汇研究,强化城市蓝绿空间碳汇计量、评价及优化模型方法等,将会成为未来的发展热点。
关键词:  风景园林  城市蓝绿空间  碳汇  碳中和  文献计量
基金项目:湖北省青年拔尖人才计划项目(首批);2022 年度教育部人文社会科学研究一般项目(编号 22YJA760086);湖北省长江国家文化公园建设研究课题(编号 HCYK2022Y05)
Analysis of Hotspots and Trends in the Research on Carbon Sink of Urban Blue-Green Space
WU Jing, JIANG Zhuoli, WU Xiaolu
Wuhan University
In recent years, urban carbon emission has become a key issue restricting the sustainable development of cities. Urban blue-green space plays an important role in carbon emission reduction and carbon sink increase thanks to the outstanding carbon sink potential and sink increase efficiency thereof. Based on the periodical articles included in China National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI) and Web of Science databases during the period from 1992 to 2021, this research conducts necessary statistics using bibliometric software and, in the theme of “urban blue-green space” and “carbon sink”, analyzes the current status of and hotspots and trends in the research on carbon sink of urban blue-green space reflected in both Chinese and foreign-language literature. The results show that: 1) The number of articles published in Chinese and foreign language achieves a gradual increase, with Chinese research institutions performing more prominently in international cooperation networks; 2) in the field of carbon sink research in urban blue-green spaces, the hotspots of researches in Chinese literature mainly include low-carbon cities, carbon sinks in urban green spaces and carbon sink benefits, while the hotspots of researches in foreign literature mainly include carbon sink estimation, carbon sink management and carbon sink impact mechanisms; 3) researches in Chinese literature focus on theoretical structures and the establishment of evaluation systems, while researches in foreign-language literature is more concerned with methodological exploration and practical application; 4) improving the research framework on carbon sinks in urban blue-green space, carrying out multi-dimensional research on biodiversity and human health and well-being under the carbon peaking and carbon neutrality goals, carrying out integrated research on carbon sinks in urban blue-green space systems, and strengthening the methods for measuring, evaluating and optimizing carbon sinks in urban blue-green spaces will become hotspots for future development.
Key words:  landscape architecture  urban blue-green space  carbon sink  carbon neutrality  bibliometric analysis
WU Jing,JIANG Zhuoli,WU Xiaolu.Analysis of Hotspots and Trends in the Research on Carbon Sink of Urban Blue-Green Space[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2022, 29(12):43-49.