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杨春侠1, 徐思璐2, 耿慧志1, 詹鸣1
关键词:  滨水公共空间  多代理行为模拟  模型建构  问题诊断  优化预判
基金项目:上海市城市更新及其空间优化技术重点实验室课题(编号 2020010203);中国电建集团华东勘测设计研究院有限公司科技项目(编号 KY2020-JZ-10)
Diagnosis and Optimization of Waterfront Public Space in North Bund, Shanghai Based on Multi-agent Behavior Simulation
YANG Chunxia1, XU Silu2, GENG Huizhi1, ZHAN Ming1
1.Tongji University;2.Shanghai Jianke Architectural Design Institute Co., Ltd
In order to explore a simulation-based quantitative analysis method for the waterfront public spaces, this research builds the systematic analysis framework of “model construction - problem diagnosis - prediction optimization” based on the multi-agent behavior simulation technology. Taking the transformation of the Zhiyang segment, North Bund, Shanghai as an example, the research firstly determines the key elements and attractiveness weights influencing behavior activities through preference analysis, establishes the parameter relationship between simulated space and agent particle, and builds a multi-agent model based on necessary operation and fitting. Then the research carries out the itemized scenario simulation, diagnoses public space problems, and puts forward optimization and improvement measures. After that, the research improves single spatial elements, and compares and selects element combinations, based on which proposes the optimal recommendation for different orientations. Finally, the research selects similar combinations and compares their status before and after transformation, to verify the feasibility of the method developed. The research shows that the quantitative analysis method based on multi-agent behavior simulation is effective for waterfront public spaces. Having the behavior simulation technology innovatively extended and applied to the research of recreation behavior in waterfront public spaces, the aforesaid method can achieve the scientific prediction of the future use status of waterfront public spaces through simulation.
Key words:  waterfront public space  multi-agent behavior simulation  model building  problem diagnosis  prediction optimization
YANG Chunxia,XU Silu,GENG Huizhi,ZHAN Ming.Diagnosis and Optimization of Waterfront Public Space in North Bund, Shanghai Based on Multi-agent Behavior Simulation[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2022, 29(12):78-84.