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王阳1, 田董炜1, 王恒友1, 田林2
关键词:  城市更新  数据感知  商业活力  街区更新  卷积神经网络
基金项目:国家自然科学基金(编号 62072024);2021 年北京建筑大学博士研究生科研能力提升项目(编号 DG2021002)
Development Mode of Traditional Commercial Blocks Based on the Perceptual Elements of Experiencer: A Case Study of the Old Downtown Area of Beijing
WANG Yang1, TIAN Dongwei1, WANG Hengyou1, TIAN Lin2
1.Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Architecture;2.Chinese National Academy of Arts
In order to avoid the homogeneous renewal of traditional commercial blocks for sustainable development mode of blocks, this research acquires images taken by experiencers in seven traditional commercial blocks in the old downtown area of Beijing and, using the convolutional neural network (CNN) technology, extracts five types of core elements of building, street, food consumption, behavioral activity and signboard advertisement that the experiencers focus on from the aforesaid images. The research has the seven blocks divided into two attributes (ontological and derived attributes) in accordance with the characteristics of the aforesaid elements and the perceived content of experiencers. Based on the proportion of the five types of elements and the two attributes, the research analyzes the relationship between experiencer preference and block development mode. Research results show that: 1) Experiencers prefer the derived attribute, and the difference in the proportion of the two attributes can be improved through the integration of relevant factors; 2) the development mode of the seven blocks is divided into the mode with a higher proportion of the derived attribute and the mode with a similar proportion of the two attributes, and the coexistence of the two modes is conducive to the improvement of the overall vitality of blocks in the old downtown area; 3) the mode featuring the balanced proportion of the two attributes is more conducive to the sustainable development of traditional commercial blocks. By directly extracting the five types of experiencer perception elements mentioned above, the research effectively identifies the problems existing in the development mode of traditional commercial blocks, which is helpful for the revival of traditional commercial blocks and the selection of multiple development strategies.
Key words:  urban renewal  data perception  commercial vitality  block renewal  convolutional neural network (CNN)
WANG Yang,TIAN Dongwei,WANG Hengyou,TIAN Lin.Development Mode of Traditional Commercial Blocks Based on the Perceptual Elements of Experiencer: A Case Study of the Old Downtown Area of Beijing[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2022, 29(12):85-91.