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葛韵宇, 刘子晴, 端木珅, 李方正
关键词:  社区公园  小气候调节  游憩服务  协同性评价
基金项目:国家自然科学基金(编号 51908036)
Evaluation on Synergy Between Microclimate Regulation and Recreation Services Provided by Community Parks
GE Yunyu, LIU Ziqing, DUANMU Shen, LI Fangzheng
Beijing Forestry University
The rapid urbanization process has triggered a series of problems, such as the heat-island effect and the reduction of residents’ recreational space. As an important form of green space in the high-density built-up environment of Chinese cities, community parks are vital to regulating the regional microclimate environment and providing recreation services for surrounding residents. Taking Madian Park, a representative community park in Beijing, as an example, this research first collects the basic field status information through the backpack lidar scanning system. After that, the research conducts microclimate simulation through the ENVI-met software and, through analysis of real scene elements and extraction of consumption comment data, obtains recreation attraction and satisfaction data to complete recreation service evaluation. Finally, the research further evaluates the synergy between microclimate regulation and recreation services provided by community parks through the coupling coordination degree model. Based on research conclusions, the research summarizes the optimization strategies for community parks based on the synergy between microclimate regulation and recreation services, and further puts forward suggestions for scientifically improving the construction quality of community parks.
Key words:  community park  microclimate regulation  recreation service  synergy evaluation
GE Yunyu,LIU Ziqing,DUANMU Shen,LI Fangzheng.Evaluation on Synergy Between Microclimate Regulation and Recreation Services Provided by Community Parks[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2022, 29(12):92-99.