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遗产之镜——城市更新中后工业景观的 3 种历史观念
关键词:  城市更新  后工业景观  对象物  整体形象  即临景观  历史观念
基金项目:内蒙古自治区社会科学基金“内蒙古传统建筑数字化保护模式研究”(编号 2023BY28)
Mirror of Heritage: Three Historical Concepts in Urban Renewal of PostIndustrial Landscape
DUAN Jianqiang
Inner Mongolia University of Technology
[Objective] Although the value dimension and conservation concept of post-industrial landscape have been deepened in current research and practice, the historical concept thereof in urban renovation has not been deeply explored. In the process of guiding the renovation of industrial heritage landscape design in the post-industrial era, the concept of history, as the core value running through the renewal process, treats industrial heritage as both a historical object for analysis and value interpretation and an element to participate in the contemporary purpose of completing historical construction. Therefore, it is of great significance to analyze how historical concepts influence design decisions in landscape renewal cases and throughout the design process, which is crucial for understanding the design methods and design practice of post-industrial landscape. [Progress] Through analyzing the design practice of post-industrial landscape more than 20 years, this research summarizes the historical concepts contained in the post-industrial landscape. Based on the expression of Jacques Rancière’s three historical “poetics”, the research investigates the historical concepts embodied in several post-industrial landscape design cases centering around the historical images displayed by the three historical “poetics” just mentioned, so as to analyze the three historical concepts of “object”, “general form” and “instant landscape”. Based on the design practice of the post-industrial landscape, the research realizes the landscape construction of contemporary history through specific landscape practice in the way of “symbol generation”, “augmented reality” and “site atmosphere”. The aforesaid three historical concepts affect the early design decisions and development trends in the renewal of post-industrial landscape, and occupy a strong value dominance in the design process, while at the final presentation level of design practice, the instant interaction in the construction of landscape renewal itself is manifested as the dissolution and retreat of history. [Conclusion] Emerging with the formation of postmodern landscape, the three historical concepts have formed a relatively stable paradigm for historical interpretation and value construction in design practice, which has a lasting impact on the design practice of post-industrial landscape.
Key words:  urban renewal  post-industrial landscape  object  general form  instant landscape  historical concept
引用本文:段建强.遗产之镜——城市更新中后工业景观的 3 种历史观念[J].风景园林,2023,30(6):54-60.
DUAN Jianqiang.Mirror of Heritage: Three Historical Concepts in Urban Renewal of PostIndustrial Landscape[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2023, 30(6):54-60.