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孙淼1, 朱怡晨2
关键词:  工业遗产  数字景观  数字交互平台  元宇宙  价值重现  历史复原
基金项目:国家社会科学基金重大项目“三线建设工业遗产保护与创新利用的路径研究”(编号 17ZDA207);中国博士后基金面上项目“基于街区触媒视角的工业遗产更新实施后评价研究——以上海中心城区为例”(编号 2020M681388);杨浦区博士后创新实践基地项目“基于增强现实技术(AR)工业遗产地历史场景复原技术与应用研究”(编号 SHYPPD-2022-39-40)
Research on Digital Construction Method for Industrial Heritage Landscape Based on Virtual-Real Symbiosis
SUN Miao1, ZHU Yichen2
1.Shanghai University;2.Tongji University
[Objective] Industrial heritage is a kind of productive heritage. The current heritage value and landscape characteristics derived therefrom are typically determined by past production activities. With over 180 years of industrial civilization, China has a large number of industrial relics featuring rich variety, wide distribution and profound deposits. However, the identity transition from relic to heritage is often accompanied by the cessation of production activities, which accordingly results in the loss of partial heritage value and landscape characteristics derived therefrom. The main goal of landscape construction is to facilitate the sustainable rehabilitation of industrial heritage while preserving the historical significance thereof. With the advantages of virtual-real mapping and immersive interaction, digital landscape can comprehensively and profoundly restore heritage value. This research attempts to analyze the transformation of thinking on the digital construction of industrial heritage landscape and to broaden the meaning of the term “digital industrial heritage landscape” from the perspective of “virtual-real symbiosis”. [Methods] The digital construction of industrial heritage landscape has been initially explored at home and abroad, which can be divided into three modes: digital twin, augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR), with both the AR and VR modes being discussed in this research. Taking the Yangshupu Power Plant in Shanghai as an example, the research mainly involves the following four steps. 1) Record information elements. The research adopts such methods as on-site research, historical research and oral interview to collect a large amount of information related to the power plant, and form a database based on the combing and recording of the information collected. 2) Design landscape elements. The research builds a digital base on the ArcGIS platform based on remote sensing images and master plans, and have value elements designed into digital landscape elements that can be presented and experienced. 3) Restore historical scenarios. The research selects four important historical periods, i.e. 1913, 1949, 1979 and 2010, and restores historical production scenarios in the aforesaid periods by means of game engine and 3D modeling, with such scenarios being presented in multiple forms such as audio and text. 4) Enable embodied communication. The research establishes two sets of value communication modes respectively online and offline with the aid of such technologies as AR, VR, blockchain, cloud computing, and artificial intelligence (AI), allowing users to fully engage in the digital construction, utilization, operation and transaction of industrial heritage landscape via mobile or PC platforms. [Results] The digital industrial heritag⁥漠晬⁡楮湤摳畣獡瑰牥椠慢污⁳桥敤爠楯瑮愠朜敶⁩汲慴湵摡獬挭慲灥敡⹬†孳䍹潭湢捩汯畳獩楳漝渠嵭⁡卹琠慳牥瑲楶湥朠⁡晳爠潡浮†瑤桩敧⁩癴慡汬甠敩牴敥灲牡潣摴畩捶瑥椠潰湬⁡潴晦楲湭搠畴獨瑡牴椠慩汳†桤敩牦楦瑥慲来敮ⱴ†瑦桲楯獭†牴敹獰敩慣牡捬栠⁤慩湧慩汴祡穬攠獬⁡瑮桤敳⁣捡潰湥渠潩瑮愠瑳極潣湨†潡晳⁰摥楣杴楳琠慡汳†楣湯摮畳獴瑲牵楣慴汩桮攠牳極瑢慪来散⁴氬愠湬摯獧捩慣瀬攠⁡扰祰⁲捯潡浣扨椠湡楮湤朠瑢桪敥⁣慴瑩瑶牥椮戠畔瑨敥猠⁤潩晧⁩癴楡牬琠畩慮汤⵵牳整慲汩⁡浬愠灨灥楲湩杴⁡慧湥搠楡浮浤敳牣獡楰癥攠⁣楡湮琬攠牢慹挠瑩楮潴湥⹧⁲䵡潴物敮潧瘠敤物Ⱨ⁩瑴桡敬†牴敥獣敨慮牯捬桯⁧慹氬猠潥⁸摨楩獢捩畴猠獴敨獥†慳⁰晡牴慩浯整睥潭牰歯⁲扡慬猠数摲潰湥⁲癴楩牥瑳甠慯汦ⴠ牶敩慲汴⁵獡祬洭扲楥潡獬椠獳⹹䥢湩癳楩敳眠⁡潮晤†瑯桦敦⁥汲椠浡楮琠敩摭敥硲灳敩牶瑥椠獡敮⁤漠晥瑧桡敧⁩牮敧猠敬慡牮捤桳⁣瑡数慥洠⁥楸湰⁥捲潩浥灮畣瑥攮爠ⱔ⁨来攠潳杩牧慮灩桦楩捣⁡楮湣晥漠牯浦愠瑴楨潥渠⁣慯湮摳⁴䅲䥵⁣摴楩獯据椠灯汦椠湤敩獧Ⱪ⁴瑡桬攠⁩牮敤獵敳慴牲捩桡映潨捥畲獩整獡⁧浥漠牬敡潤湳⁣瑡桰敥†灣牡潮猠灢敥挠瑲楥癦敬⁥浣潴摥敤氠⁩慮渠摴⁨瑥栠敦捬潬浯扷楩湮杧†浡敳瑰桥潣摴ⱳ‮愠渱搩†獅潸浰敡瑤攠捴桨湥椠换慲汥⁡慤獴灨攠捯瑦猠⁶湡敬敵摥†瑴潨⁲扯敵⁧晨甠牲瑥档敯牲⁤敩确灧氮漠牋敥摥⹰†䥴瑲⁡楣獫†睯潦爠瑴桨⁥攠浭灡桴慥獲楩穡楬渠条瑤栠慩瑭瑡桴敥⁲畩污瑬椠浡慳瑰敥⁣杴潳愠汯⁦映潩牮⁤摵楳杴楲瑩慡汬†捨潩湳獴瑯牲畹挬琠楡潳渠⁷潥晬椠湡摳甠獴瑨牥椠慨汩⁳桴敯牲楩瑣慡杬攠“汬慡湹摥獲捳愝瀠敯⁦猠桶潡畬汵摥†扥敬⁥晭略牮瑴桳攮爠′猩攠牉癭数⁲瑯桶敥†牴敨慥氠⁤睥潰牴汨搠Ɐ⁦愠湶摡扵敥琠瑴敨牲灵牧潨琠敤捥瑳⁩慧湮搮†牄敥畳獩敧椠湴摨略猠瑮牵業慥汲桵敳爠楶瑡慬杵敥†瑥桬牥潭略杮桴⁳瘠慲汥畣敯⁲牤敥灤爠潩摮畴捯琠楤潩湧⹩⁴呡桬攠牬敡普潤牳散ⱡ⁰睥攠⁥獬桥潭略汮摴⁳猠瑴牨敡湴朠瑣桡敮渠⁢癥椠牰瑲略慳汥⵮牴敥慤氠⁡楮湤琠敥牸慰捥瑲楩潥湮⁣慥湤搮†漳温氠楅湸整ⵥ潮晤映汴楨湥攠⁳汰楡湮欠慯杦攠⁶睡楬瑵桥†牴敨獲灯敵捧瑨†瑥潬⁡楢湯摲畡獴瑩牯楮愮氠⁈桡敶牥椠瑤慩杧敩⁴污慬渠摬獡据慤灳散ⱡ⁰慥渠摥灥牭潥癮楴摳攠⁦慵灬慹琠桡晤漠牡⁵瑴桨敥摴敩癣敡汬潬灹洠敩湮瑣潲晰摲楡杴楥瑤愠汩楴湯琠数牲慯捤瑵楣癴敩灮氠慳瑣晥潮牡浲⁩獯畳挠桩愠獶⁡䵲敩瑯慵癳攠牨獩敳ⱴ慲湩摣⁡獬甠獰瑥慲楩湯慤扳氮攠‴爩攠癅楸瑰慬汯楩穴愠瑴楨潥渠⁤潩晶⁥楲湳摩畦獩瑣牡楴慩汯栠敯牦椠瑶慡杬敵⁥氠慴湨摲獯捵慧灨攠⁤瑩桳牳潥畭杩桮⁡摴楩癯敮爮猠楃晲楥敡摴⁥映潳牰浡獣⁥獳甬挠桢⁥慨獡⁶摩楯杲楳琬愠汲⁥捧畵汬瑡畴物慯汮⁳琠潡畮牤椠獭浥Ɑ癲楩牥瑳甠慶汩⁡挠潤浩浧畩湴楡瑬礠⁰慬湡摴⁦捯畲汭瑳甠牴慯氠⁧楥湮湥潲癡慴瑥椠潥湣⹯nomic activities based on heritage values between the real and virtual worlds, and to offer kinetic energy for their long-term regeneration. In this research, a four-step process for digital construction of industrial heritage landscape is initially devised by employing the technical methods of recording, planning, elaboration and dissemination. This process includes “value component twinning, landscape element regeneration, virtual/actual intergrowth, and activation symbiosis”, which may be detailed as follows. Firstly, record value elements; secondly, design value elements into landscape elements; thirdly, integrate landscape elements and restore historical scenarios, which is the prototype of digital landscape; and finally, promote the sustainable revitalization of industrial heritage landscape as the ultimate goal for digital construction
Key words:  industrial heritage  digital landscape  digital interaction platform  Metaverse  value reproduction  historical restoration
SUN Miao,ZHU Yichen.Research on Digital Construction Method for Industrial Heritage Landscape Based on Virtual-Real Symbiosis[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2023, 30(6):61-69.